VB: Special Veterans Benefits
BASIC (03-01)
A. When to use
Follow these procedures when the SVB beneficiary or legal guardian requests voluntary termination of SVB. If a request for voluntary termination is made by a representative payee who is not the SVB individual's legal guardian, follow VB 01505.012.
B. Policy
A written voluntary termination request must be filed with SSA and:
be signed and dated by the beneficiary or legal guardian;
state the reason for the termination request;
describe the possible effects of the termination and state that the individual understands the effects (including the need to pay back or return SVB payments, when applicable);
explain that an appeal (or a new SVB application) filed within the 60-day appeal period will cancel the termination request; and
acknowledge that the filing of a new SVB application after the 60-day appeal period expires precludes entitlement earlier than the month the new application is filed.
C. Procedure - Request Filed or Received in a Field Office (FO) or Central Processing Site (CPS)
The FO or CPS will:
Process the N19 input to terminate SVB;
Issue a termination notice including appeal rights (see VB 01505.100); and
Post termination information on the San Francisco SVB Intranet site.
NOTE: The FO will send all voluntary termination documentation to the CPS after completion of the above actions for retention with the SVB folder.
D. Procedure - Request Filed or Received in a Federal Benefits Unit (FBU)
The FBU will fax and then mail the request to the servicing CPS. The CPS will process the voluntary termination per VB 01505.011C.