POMS Reference

GN 00302: Proof of Age

A. Policy

Individuals must submit proof of age immediately in every claim for benefits in which the claimant's age is an immediate factor of entitlement. For instructions about proof of age tolerances, see GN 00302.030.

B. Which claims?

Age is an immediate factor of entitlement for the following benefits:

  • Retirement insurance benefits (RIB)

  • Hospital insurance (HI)

  • Supplementary medical insurance (SMI)

  • Supplemental security income (SSI) for the aged and blind or disabled children

  • Aged spouse (including divorced spouse)

  • Widow(er)

  • Surviving divorced spouse

  • Parent

  • Child

  • Certain disability insurance benefit (DIB) claimants (see GN 00302.010, DI 11010.055 and DI 11010.060).

C. Note

In addition, the following individuals must submit evidence of age:

  • Applicant for a Social Security number (SSN) (see RM 10205.020)

  • Miner filing for black lung benefits who is, by any allegation in file, age 70 as of the date the claim was filed and who is working.