POMS Reference

NL 00702: Aurora-General

TN 1 (05-95)

Place the document in EDIT mode by accessing the edit screen for the document. Determine the position for the new UTI and open a new line by placing the line command “A” (upper or lower case) in the line edit margin at column 78 on the line above where the line is to be added and press ENTER. Once the new line appears, enter the new UTI at the left margin preceded by “#” and press ENTER. When entering a UTI, upper and/or lower case letters can be used. For example, ABC001, Abc001 and abc001 are all acceptable. M/TEXT will convert all letters to upper case once the UTI has been entered into the system. (See NL 00702.211 for more information concerning line commands.)

If the new UTI has fill-ins, a new screen called the prompt screen will appear and prompt you for the fill-ins. If the prompt screen does not appear, enter “E” in the line edit margin on the line for that UTI and press ENTER.

If several UTIs are to be added one after the other, use the line command “A” followed by the number of lines to be added (e.g., A10 will open ten lines).