POMS Reference

NL 00702: Aurora-General

TN 1 (05-95)


Use line commands to help edit the raw text of a document and inform M/TEXT of the function you want to perform to that document.


Enter line commands in the right margin of the screen by keying over the “.” or the “>” or the “X”. The line command field is three characters long, but the command itself can be one, two or three characters long. Press ENTER to execute the command. The command can be either uppercase or lowercase.


M/TEXT has four types of line commands:

  • Line commands for processing single text lines in a document.

  • Line commands for processing multiple lines of text (blocks of text) in a document. These line commands are called block commands.

  • Line commands which work only in lines which contain model calls. The system ignores these line commands in text lines and control instruction lines.

  • Line commands which work only in directories. These are called LIB line commands.


This chart contains a list of line commands, entry formats and functions.


ADD A[nn] Add one or nn blank lines (maximum 99) after the command line. After Enter, the cursor is at the beginning of the first added line.
COPY C[nn] Copy one or nn lines, including the command line (maximum 99) and store them in a buffer.
  CC Mark the first and last lines of the block of text to be copied and stored in a buffer.
DELETE D[nn] Delete one or nn lines including the command line (maximum 99).
  DD Mark the first and last lines of the block of text to be deleted.
DUPLICATE N[nn] Duplicate a member line once or nn times (maximum 99).
EXPLAIN E In a model line, display the model prompter screen, ready for insertions. In a control instruction line, display the appropriate active help menu.
FIX F Turn on the FIX mode for entry of continuous text. The command line becomes the top line of the FIX screen.
HELP ? Call the passive help function (see head command HELPpassive).
INSERT I[nn] Insert the material placed in the buffer with the line commands LIBcopy, COPY, MOVE, and/or JOIN, one or nn times (maximum 99) after the command line. A change of document or department does not affect the contents of the buffer. The same material can be inserted any number of times until new material is placed in the buffer.
JOIN Jnn Join and rearrange one or nn lines including the command line (maximum 99).
  JJ Mark the first and last lines of the block of text to be joined. The lines are placed in a buffer and deleted from the document. Short lines are joined up and large blank spaces are compressed to one blank. Use the line command INSERT to do a raw format of the lines (between columns 1 and 65) and reinsert them in the document.
LIBcopy C Store one or more document names from the (#)LIB screen. Once you are in a document, you can use the line command INSERT to insert the document names, one per line.
LIBdisplay Y Bring a document to the screen in DISPLAY mode by selecting it from a directory produced using the head command LIB.
LIBedit E Bring a document to the screen in EDIT mode by selecting it from a directory produced using the head command LIB.
LIBjump X Jump to a department by selecting it from the DIRLIB screen.
LIBresume R Mark a document on the (#)LIB screen (see head command RESUME). Press ENTER to display this document.
MOVE M[nn] Move one or nn member lines including the command line (maximum 99) by storing them in a buffer and deleting them in a document
  MM Mark the first and last lines of a block of text you want to move. The lines will be placed in a buffer and deleted in the document. Use the line command INSERT to reinsert the lines at a new location.
STREAM S Turn on STREAM mode for continuous text entry. The command line becomes the top line on the STREAM screen.
TOP T Bring the command line to the top of the screen. In a MAP list, the line command TOP returns you to the original document in EDIT mode with the command line at the top of the screen.