SI 02003: Interim Assistance Payments
TN 11 (03-05)
A. Process - automated GR code input
The system:
Posts a GR code to the SSR when a State IAR file interfaces with the SSR and matches an established SSI claim. (See SM 01005.623 - SM 01005.627)
Sends a PR-73 alert to the servicing FO when the date of the State GR code input precedes the SSI application date if the SSI payment has not been released. See SM 01015.090 for processing a PR-73 alert.
NOTE: The PR-73 reject shows the date the State received a signed authorization.
Sends an automated SSA-L8125 even if the retroactive payment is more than $5000.00 (including cases with dedicated account and installment payment involvement) as long as the prepayment review is completed and the appropriate release code selected on UOUP screen.
Sends an automated IAR payment to the State even if the retroactive payment is more than $5000.00 as long as dedicated account and installment payment conditions are NOT met and the appropriate prepayment review option is selected on the UOUP screen.
Sends other notices to the State and or individual in accordance with SI 02003.030 and SI 02003.035.
B. Process - manual GR code input
The system:
Posts a GR code (See for description of GR Code to the SSR when the FO inputs a GR code.
Sends a transmission to DT to release the retroactive initial SSI IC /PE check to the State when an IC allowance or PE reinstatement is determined.
Generates an SSA-L8125 to the State even if the case involves an IAR Payment Pending situation as long as the prepayment review is completed and the appropriate release code selected on UOUP screen and there isn’t any systems limitation.