SI 02003: Interim Assistance Payments
TN 13 (11-10)
A. Policy for IAR notices sent to State
SSA sends a notice about the status of the individual's pending claim to the State agency providing interim assistance when:
An GR code is posted to a claimant's record on the SSR; and
The individual is found to be eligible or ineligible for an SSI initial payment; or
We reinstate the individual after a period of suspense or termination.
NOTE: We send a notice in posteligibility situations only when we reinstate the individual's benefits after a period of suspense or termination.
B. Process for providing IAR notice to the State
1. Case involves a systems limitation or GR code cannot be posted to SSR
When the case involves a systems limitation or the GR code cannot be posted on the SSR, prepare an SSA-L8165 (SSI Important Information) upon receipt of the IAR authorization. Fax the manually prepared SSA-L8125-F6 (Notice of Interim Assistance Reimbursement) to the appropriate electronic folder, then send the SSA-L8125-F6 to the component handling IAR in the RO if an OTP or force payment is involved.
NOTE: When multiple checks are involved, make sure the SSA-L8125 includes multiple check information.
2. Manual IAR Accounting Forms
a. SSA-8125
The SSA-8125 is the manual form the FO must prepare, and send to the State agency when:
An A-OTP is issued for the full retroactive payment to the State agency;
The GR code cannot be posted on the SSR;
There is a systems limitation and the IAR Payment Pending provisions do not apply;
A force due payment is involved; or
The State alleges not receiving an automated SSA-L8125 for a direct payment IAR case.
NOTE: The SSA-8125 is obsolete due to the implementation of eIAR. This reference is retained in POMS because the form may be encountered in pipeline cases.
b. SSA-L8125-F6
The SSA-L8125-F6 is the manual form the FO must prepare for cases involving:
A manual dedicated account, installment, an attorney or eligible non-attorney fee;
A systems limitation;
eIAR exception cases; and
proration cases.
The State agency staff completes the “State’s Account of Reimbursement Claimed” section and sends the form to the SSA FO that will issue an A-OTP to the agency, for the exact amount of IAR. Once the FO issues the A-OTP, the CR must complete the bottom of the form, fax it to the appropriate electronic folder, and send the form to the component handling IAR in the RO.
The manual SSA-8125 and SSA-L8125-F6 are available on e-forms. For information on completing the accounting forms, see SI 02003.040.