POMS Reference

VB 01505: Termination Events

BASIC (03-01)

A. When to use Voluntary Termination

SVB entitlement can terminate when a voluntary termination is requested by the beneficiary, his or her legal guardian or representative payee. Situations when a voluntary termination of SVB entitlement may be requested could occur when:

  • SVB entitlement prevents the individual from receiving more money (or benefits) from other programs (e.g., veterans' pensions);

  • The individual no longer wishes to comply with SSA requests for information or pursue continuing SVB entitlement; or

  • The individual objects to continuing SVB entitlement for personal reasons.

B. Process

The systems PSC on the SSR for voluntary termination of SVB is N19. Voluntary termination requests are exceptions to the Goldberg/Kelly procedures that require an advance notice of an adverse action (SI 02301.300E.). As a result, N19 inputs can be processed through the day of the monthly recurring payment tape cutoff to stop an SVB payment for the following month.

The SVB termination is to be effectuated with the first month the system can stop payments based on the monthly recurring payment tape cutoff. The termination cannot be effective with an earlier month unless the individual pays back or returns SVB payments issued for preceding months.