POMS Reference

VB 00205: Qualification Development

TN 1 (11-01)

A. Introduction

PL 106-169 provides for the payment of benefits to certain World War II veterans who are residing outside the United States on the first day of the month and meet all the requirements for qualification for SVB.

B. Definitions

1. Residing Outside the United States

For title VIII purposes, an individual is considered to have established residence outside the United States if the individual has established an actual dwelling place there with the intention of continuing to live outside the United States.

2. United States

The United States is the 50 States, the District of Columbia and the Northern Mariana Islands.

C. Policy

A qualified individual can receive payments only for those months in which he or she resides outside the United States on the first day of the month. Except as noted in VB 00205.215, the country of residence does not matter.

A qualified individual is considered residing outside the United States and can receive a payment for any month in which he or she resides outside the United States on the first day of the month.

For SVB purposes, a qualified individual can be a resident of only one country at a time. One country “at a time” means for the same period of time. Thus, it is possible in some post-entitlement situations for an individual to be considered a foreign resident on the first of a month and a U.S. resident for a subsequent part of that month. See VB 00205.170 for a discussion of one circumstance in which this may happen.