POMS Reference

NL: Notices, Letters and Paragraphs

BASIC (05-11)



Caption: Your Benefits

You filed an application for benefits  (1)  on  (2) . You said  (3)  did not file earlier because we gave misinformation on  (4) . We can give  (5)  an earlier filing date if:

  •  (6)  did not file for benefits before  (7)  because we misinformed  (8)  about  (9)  eligibility for these benefits, and

  •  (10)  did not get benefits  (11)  could have.

We looked at the facts and found that we did misinform  (12) . Therefore,  (13)  correct filing date is  (14) . The beginning date for  (15)  benefits is based on this date.  (16) 

Fill-in values:

Fill-in (1) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: for plus client fullname

Choice 2: null

Fill-in (2) - Requested As A Date In Format MM/DD/CCYY

Choice 1: DOF MMCCYY

Fill-in (3) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: beneficiary name

Choice 2: you

Fill-in (4) - Requested As A Date In Format MM/DD/CCYY

Choice 1: Date of alleged misinformation MM/CCYY

Fill-in (5) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: beneficiary Name

Choice 2: you

Fill-in (6) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: beneficiary Name

Choice 2: you

Fill-in (7) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: DOF MM/CCYY

Fill-in (8) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: him

Choice 2: her

Choice 3: you

Fill-in (9) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Name Possessive

Fill-in (10) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: he

Choice 2: she

Choice 3: you

Fill-in (11) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: he

Choice 2: she

Choice 3: you

Fill-in (12) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: beneficiary Name

Choice 2: you

Fill-in (13) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Beneficiary Name possessive

Fill-in (14) - Requested As A Date In Format Shown Below

Choice 1: Date of deemed filing MM/DD/CCYY

Fill-in (15) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: his

Choice 2: her

Choice 3: you

Fill-in (16) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: This is the earliest date, after we gave misinformation, that you met all requirements for these benefits.

Choice 2: null



Caption: Your Benefits

You filed an application for benefits  (1)  on  (2) . You said  (3)  did not file earlier because we gave misinformation on  (4) . We can give  (5)  an earlier filing date if:

  •  (6)  did not file for benefits before  (7)  because we misinformed  (8)  about  (9)  eligibility for these benefits, and

  •  (10)  did not get benefits  (11)  could have.

Fill-in values:

Fill-in (1) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: for + beneficiary Name

Choice 2: null

Fill-in (2) - Requested As A Date In Format Shown Below

Choice 1: date of filing MM/DD/CCYY

Fill-in (3) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: beneficiary name

Choice 2: you

Fill-in (4) - Requested As A Date In Format Shown Below

Choice 1: date of alleged misinformation MM/DD/CCYY

Fill-in (5) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: beneficiary Name

Choice 2: you

Fill-in (6) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: beneficiary Name

Choice 2: you

Fill-in (7) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: date of filing MM/CCYY

Fill-in (8) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: him

Choice 2: her

Choice 3: you

Fill-in (9) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Name possessive

Fill-in (10) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: he

Choice 2: she

Choice 3: you

Fill-in (11) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: he

Choice 2: she

Choice 3: you



Caption: Your Benefits

You filed an application for benefits  (1)  on  (2) . We can give  (3)  an earlier filing date if:

  •  (4)  did not file for these benefits before  (5)  because we misinformed  (6)  about  (7)  eligibility for these benefits, and

  •  (8)  did not get benefits  (9)  could have.

    You said  (10)  did not file earlier because we gave misinformation on  (11) . The law allows us to give  (12)  an earlier filing date if we misinformed  (13)  on or after January 1, 1983. Since you said we gave the misinformation before January 1, 1983, we are sorry but we cannot give  (14)  an earlier filing date.

Fill-in values:

Fill-in (1) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: Beneficiary's Name

Choice 2: null

Fill-in (2) - Requested As A Date In Format MM/DD/CCYY

Choice 1: date of filing

Fill-in (3) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: Name

Choice 2: you

Fill-in (4) - Requested As A One Position Alpha Character

Choice A: you

Choice B: the person who acted for you

Choice C: the person who acted for + Benename

Fill-in (5) - Requested As A Date In Format MM/DD/CCYY

Choice 1: date of filing

Fill-in (6) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: him

Choice 2: her

Choice 3: you

Fill-in (7) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: your

Choice 2: Name (possessive)

Fill-in (8) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: he

Choice 2: she

Choice 3: you

Fill-in (9) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: he

Choice 2: she

Choice 3: you

Fill-in (10) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: see comments

Fill-in (11) - Requested As A Date In Format MM/DD/CCYY

Choice 1: date of alleged misinformation

Fill-in (12) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: Name

Choice 2: you

Fill-in (13) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: him

Choice 2: her

Choice 3: you

Fill-in (14) - Systems Generated

Choice 1: him

Choice 2: her

Choice 3: you