SI 02005: Computation of Benefits - SSI
TN 7 (07-92)
A. When to use
Use the proration chart on the next page which shows the proration fraction for each month of the year (including leap years when February has 29 days) for each effective filing date in the month.
B. Procedure
To use the proration chart, first find the effective day of filing in the left hand column. Then, select the correct month of filing column to the right of the effective filing day column. (The fraction shown in the month column gives the number of benefits days and the number of days in the month.)
C. Example
If the day of effective filing is October 23rd, the correct fraction is 9/ 31. That is, including October 23rd, there are 9 benefit days in October and 31 calendar days in October. To find the prorated benefit, multiply the unprorated benefit by the number of benefit days (the first number in the fraction)(9 for October 23rd) and divide the result by the number of days in the month (the second number in the fraction)(31 for October).
D. References
Proration in initial claims, SI 02005.005 B.
Proration after a period of ineligibility, SI 02005.008.
E. Exhibit of proration chart
Effective Filing date | January, March, May, July August, October, December | April, June, September, November |
February | February (in leap year) |
Benefit Days/Days in Month |
Benefit Days/Days in Month | Benefit Days/Days in Month |
Benefit Days/Days in Month |
1 | No Proration | No Proration | No Proration | No Proration |
2 | 30/31 | 29/30 | 27/28 | 28/29 |
3 | 29/31 | 28/30 | 26/28 | 27/29 |
4 | 28/31 | 27/30 | 25/28 | 26/29 |
5 | 27/31 | 26/30 | 24/28 | 25/29 |
6 | 26/31 | 25/30 | 23/28 | 24/29 |
7 | 25/31 | 24/30 | 22/28 | 23/29 |
8 | 24/31 | 23/30 | 21/28 | 22/29 |
9 | 23/31 | 22/30 | 20/28 | 21/29 |
10 | 22/31 | 21/30 | 19/28 | 20/29 |
11 | 21/31 | 20/30 | 18/28 | 19/29 |
12 | 20/31 | 19/30 | 17/28 | 18/29 |
13 | 19/31 | 18/30 | 16/28 | 17/29 |
14 | 18/31 | 17/30 | 15/28 | 16/29 |
15 | 17/31 | 16/30 | 14/28 | 15/29 |
16 | 16/31 | 15/30 | 13/28 | 14/29 |
17 | 15/31 | 14/30 | 12/28 | 13/29 |
18 | 14/31 | 13/30 | 11/28 | 12/29 |
19 | 13/31 | 12/30 | 10/28 | 11/29 |
20 | 12/31 | 11/30 | 9/28 | 10/29 |
21 | 11/31 | 10/30 | 8/28 | 9/29 |
22 | 10/31 | 9/30 | 7/28 | 8/29 |
23 | 9/31 | 8/30 | 6/28 | 7/29 |
24 | 8/31 | 7/30 | 5/28 | 6/29 |
25 | 7/31 | 6/30 | 4/28 | 5/29 |
26 | 6/31 | 5/30 | 3/28 | 4/29 |
27 | 5/31 | 4/30 | 2/28 | 3/29 |
28 | 4/31 | 3/30 | 1/28 | 2/29 |
29 | 3/31 | 2/30 | 1/29 | |
30 | 2/31 | 1/30 | ||
31 | 1/31 |