SI 01320: Deeming of Income
TN 14 (08-08)
Social Security Act, section 1614(f)(2)(A) ;
Regulations 20 CFR 416.1165
The following chart highlights the events that cause changes in parent-to-child deeming status. The chart summarizes the concepts discussed in SI 01320.550 “Deeming – Change of Status – Parents/Children”, but does not attempt to replace the detailed explanations provided in that section.
Change |
Effective Month of Change |
Transitional/ |
Budget Month Flag |
Ineligible parent becomes eligible |
Deeming stops effective with the month the parent becomes eligible for payment |
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Eligible parent becomes ineligible |
Deeming begins effective with the first month of the parent's ineligibility |
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Ineligible parent dies |
Deeming from that parent stops effective with the month after the month of death |
2 |
Ineligible parent and eligible child no longer live in the same household |
Deeming stops effective with the month after the month the parent and the eligible child begin living apart |
2 |
Ineligible parent and eligible child begin living in the same household |
Deeming begins effective with the month after the month the parent and the eligible child begin living in the same household |
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Eligible child moves into a medical treatment facility |
Deeming stops effective with the first month the child is eligible for the $30 payment |
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Child attains age 18 or marries
Ineligible natural or adoptive parent permanently leaves the household and the eligible child remains with the spouse of the parent (stepparent). |
Deeming stops effective with the month following the month in which the child attains age 18 or marries
Effective 06/16/08, deeming from both the ineligible natural or adoptive parent and the stepparent stops effective the month after the month the natural parent permanently leaves the household. |
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