POMS Reference

SI 01310: Deeming, General

TN 6 (04-99)

A. Introduction

Documentation of a claim for SSI benefits is required to show that an individual meets all of the eligibility requirements. There are additional documentation requirements for an eligible individual who is subject to deeming from an ineligible spouse, parent, essential person, or sponsor.

B. Policy

1. General Rule

Generally, information you must develop and document for an eligible individual must also be developed and documented for a deemor or an ineligible child who is material to the deeming computation.

  • This general rule applies unless instructions in this chapter (SI 01300.000) give specific development, documentation, and verification requirements for deemors and/or ineligible children. See SI 01310.206 for documentation of deeming waiver cases.

  • These developmental requirements apply to both initial claims and posteligibility reports.

2. Developmental Tolerances

In certain situations, developmental tolerances may be used in processing SSI initial claims and/or posteligibility actions (e.g., redeterminations).

Any developmental tolerances which apply to documentation and verification requirements for an eligible individual in POMS instructions also apply to a deemor and/or ineligible child, unless modified by specific instructions in this chapter.

EXAMPLE:In the completion instructions for form SSA-8203-BK, SI 02305.099B.2. describes a developmental tolerance for unearned income changes due to interfaces. Unless otherwise stated in instructions for specific types or sources of such income, or in SI 01320.001 ff., this developmental tolerance also applies to the income of a deemor.

C. Reference

Estimating income - interaction with deeming, SI 00810.620