POMS Reference

DI 81010: FO Procedures - Electronic Process

BASIC (01-08)

eCDR cases are only processed in States where the Disability Determination Services (DDS) have implemented the eCDR software. DDS systems cannot distinguish which DDS sites are eCDR capable and which are not. Therefore, if a beneficiary moves to another state before the final eCDR determination, the DDS will return the eCDR to the FO. The Field Office (FO) is responsible for routing the eCDR to the appropriate DDS, when the new receiving DDS has implemented the eCDR software.

FO actions when DDS is unable to complete an eCDR case

If the DDS is unable to complete the eCDR, the case is transferred back to the original FO. Upon receipt, the FO must:

  • Correct the address and folder location on the MBR, SSR and DCF;

  • Enter the new DDS office code on the DCF/MSSICS transfer screens; and

  • Attempt to transfer the eCDR to the new DDS on EDCS.

If you receive an edit stating that the new DDS does not process eCDRs, transfer jurisdiction of the case (along with any paper material/folder) to the new servicing FO. Since the case remains electronic, the new servicing FO holds the eCDR until the local DDS has the software necessary to process eCDRs. The new servicing FO then transfers the eCDR to the new DDS at that time to resume CDR development.