DI 81005: eView
BASIC (01-08)
The Status/History tab in eView displays a summary for each adjudicative level for an eDib case in separate sections. The case status summary displays the following information:
Claim type;
Date filed;
Current status;
Decision date;
Regulation basis; and
Deciding office.
A. Status/History Tab
Under the Status/History Tab users can:
Reactivate a claim (See Processing Field Office (FO) Technical Reactivations - DI 81010.110; or Processing Medical Reactivation - DI 81010.143).
Access the Assistance Request History Screen;
Access the Claims Action History Screen;
Update/correct Paper Folder Indicators; and
B. Assistance Request History Screen
The assistance request history:
Is available in view only mode; and
Displays all prior and pending Assistance Requests (A/R) on a case.
A/R’s are sent when one component contacts another for assistance while still retaining full jurisdiction of the case. For more detail on Assistance Requests, see Electronic Assistance Requests - DI 81020.100.
NOTE: The Assistance Request History is not visible until each component’s internal case processing system is updated to send and receive the data.
C. Claims Action History Screen
The Claims Action History:
Is available in view only mode; and
Displays a summary of all eDib activities and movement on a case.
The summary displays all levels of the claims in the case. Each level displays claim type, actions taken, date, and jurisdiction.
D. Paper Folder Indicators (PFIs)
The PFIs appear on the Status/History screen in eView. These indicators inform eView users whether any paper folders are associated with the case. The office with jurisdiction of the case can change the indicators in eView. To make changes in eView, Locking/Unlocking Cases in eView see - DI 81001.040. For details on PFIs, see Paper Folder Indicators (PFIs) - DI 81001.020.