POMS Reference

DI 30005: Adjudicating Component Actions on Deficient Cases

TN 10 (02-11)

A. Definition of a notice for medical evidence of record technical corrective actions

A notice requiring a technical corrective action (TCA) exists when:

  1. The adjudicating component determination requires a personalized notice, but it is missing;

  2. The adjudicating component prepared an incorrect notice; or

  3. The notice is otherwise unacceptable according to the best judgment of the quality reviewer.

Notice TCAs are non-substantive and not recorded; i.e., the notice requires correction but the review component does not record any TCA.

See Also:

B. Policy for corrective actions on notices

The review component corrects most incomplete notices. However, if according to the best judgment of the quality reviewer, the notice is unacceptable (see DI 30005.233A.3. in this section), the review component returns the case to the adjudicating component for correction of the notice. In addition, if in the judgment of the Office of Quality Review Field Management, the adjudicating component is frequently adjudicating cases with notice TCAs as described in DI 30005.233A.1. and DI 30005.233A.2. in this section, the review component will return the case to the adjudicating component for correction of the notice TCA.

C. Adjudicating component procedure for notices

When the review component returns a determination with a notice TCA for correction:

  • Prepare a notice or a corrected notice as requested on the SSA-847-U3 (SSA Request for Case Action);

  • Enter all dates and release the notice;

  • Clear the case to the appropriate component; and

  • Do not return the case to the review component unless they instruct you to do so.