POMS Reference

DI 26510: Completion of Form SSA-831-C3/U3 -- Title II, Title XVI and Concurrent Claims

TN 13 (09-15)

To view Form SSA-831, see DI 26510.001B. 

A. Electronic completion of Items 30-33

Items 30-33 propagate automatically for eCAT cases.

NOTE: For electronic processing instructions, see “Electronic Case Closure” in DI 81020.130. Determination forms prepared electronically using a case processing system with approved electronic signatures do not require a “wet” signature.

B. Completing Items 30-31 Disability Examiner signature information

Enter the following:

Item 30 - disability examiner signature

Item 31 - date disability examiner signed the determination

C. Completing Items 32-33 Medical or Psychological Consultant (MC or PC) signature information

If the case contains no medical evidence, or if a single decision maker or a disability examiner with CAL or QDD authority completes the medical evaluation, leave items 32-33 blank.

In all other cases, enter the following:

  • Item 32 –the name and the date of the medical assessment form containing the medical evaluation (For example, “RFC dated MM-DD-YYYY”).

  • Item 32A - name of the MC or PC who signed the medical assessment form containing the medical evaluation.

  • Item 32B - the medical specialty code of the MC or PC who completed the medical assessment form containing the medical evaluation. (For medical specialty codes, see DI 24501.004.)

    NOTE: For electronic processing, the medical specialty code propagates from the DDS case processing system.

  • Item 33 - date medical consultant or psychological consultant (MC or PC) signed the medical assessment form containing the medical evaluation.

IMPORTANT: If there are multiple medical assessment forms, the MC or PC with the overall responsibility for the medical evaluation signs the SSA-831. For policy explaining who has overall responsibility for the medical evaluation, see DI 24501.001.