POMS Reference

DI 13010: Work Activity

TN 15 (11-02)

A. Procedure – When to use the IPCA/IPCB Screen

The IPCA is restricted to OCO/PSC inputs. Use the IPCA screen to update the DCF with status on an action and the IPCB to indicate the office responsible for the next action. The only IPCA event codes applicable for T2 WORK and EXR cases are 01, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12 and 14.

B. Procedure – How to get to the IPCA Screen

To get to the IPCA/IPCB screens:

Enter 3, PC UPDATE, in the MCDR screen or by accessing an open CDR action through the ECDR screen. The IPCB is automatically brought into the path when needed.

C. Reference – IPCA/IPCB Screens

MSOM CDR 001.005 and MSOM CDR 001.006

D. Procedure – Completing the IPCA/IPCB Screens

Complete the IPCA/IPCB to update or transfer an OCO/PSC CDR action.

  1. The DCF ID, SSN, and TYPE OF SELECTION fields will be propagated by the DCF.

  2. The UNIT code will be propagated by the DCF but can be over-keyed to correct the individual unit code per office procedures.

  3. The SELECT EVENT TYPE field reflects the update action for this transaction. The possible EVENT TYPES are:

    • 1, TRANSFER. Use this event type to transfer an action to another office. This input requires completing the IPCB screen. This action code does not record the transfer to PCACS.

    • 2, INITIATE CDR. This input requires completing the IPCB screen.

    • 3, INITIATE CDR – VR REQUESTED. This input requires completing the IPCB screen.

    • 4, DEFER CDR. Input this event to defer a CDR. This will automatically update the MRED date based upon the MRED diary reason code.

    • 5, DEFER CDR – VR REQUESTED. Input this event to defer a medical CDR. This will automatically update the MRED date based upon the MRED diary reason code.

    • 6, REVIEW NONRESPONDER. This input requires completing the IPCB screen. Use this event to record a new event date and to send a non-responder alert.

    • 7, UNDELIVERABLE. This input requires completing the IPCB screen.

    • 8, SSR/MBR CONDITIONS – STOP CDR. Use this code to indicate that the CDR action is being terminated due to other reasons. For example, a medical CDR is being terminated because the beneficiary has died.

    • 9, CONTINUANCE. Use this code to post a continuance action on either a medical or work CDR. Use this code to record an EXR approval. This will automatically link with the Modify Medical Data, MMDS, screen (see MSOM CDR 001.017) when used in conjunction with any medical CDR actions.

    • 10, WHEREABOUTS UNKOWN. Input this event type to update the DCF with the whereabouts unknown event. This input requires completing the IPCB screen.

    • 11, FAILURE TO COOPERATE. Input this event type to update the DCF to create the failure to cooperate event in the DCF. This input requires completing the IPCB screen.

    • 12, ASSISTANCE REQUEST. Use this code to record an assistance request to another office. This input requires completing the IPCB screen. When this event code is used two systems generated issues will be generated on the CDRW screen, see MSOM CDR 001.013 and DI 13010.605 for information on the CDRW screen.

    • 13, DIRECT RELEASE NOTICE INITIATION. Use this code to indicate that notice has been sent on a direct release case. Enter the appropriate date the Direct Release Notice was sent.

    • 14, CESSATION. Use this to record medical CDR and work CDR cessations and EXR medical denials if the FO has not already closed the EXR denial event.

  4. Enter Y in the FOLDER RECONSTRUCTION ISSUE if the prior folder cannot be located and the folder needs to be reconstructed. Possible other codes in the field are:

    • Y for yes.

    • N for no.

    • F for folder not found.

    • L for lost folder.

    • Q for folder not in the location shown on PCACS so the actual location is in question.

  5. Enter the three-digit office code in the TRANSFER CASE OFFICE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NEXT ACTION field on the IPCB screen. The field must be completed when transferring an action to another office. Enter the three-digit office code to where the action is being forwarded. The DCF pre-fills the office code with the last code on record and must be over keyed with the proper office code if forwarding the file out of the office.