POMS Reference

DI 10105: Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) and Freeze

BASIC (06-06)

A. Policy - cessation month defined

Disability will be determined to have ceased in the month in which:

  • The impairment, as established by medical or other evidence, is not so severe as to prevent the beneficiary from engaging in substantial gainful activity; or

  • The impairment no longer constitutes statutory blindness; or

  • The beneficiary demonstrates the ability to engage in Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA).

NOTE: DIB entitlement will continue (excluding any other basis for cessation) for statutorily blind claimants who meet Fully Insured status only (i.e., do not meet 20/40 or Special Insured status) and are subsequently determined no longer stat blind but still disabled (i.e., have a non-blind impairment).

B. Policy - period of disability end date

The period of disability ends with the last day of whichever of the following months is earliest:

  • The last month for which disability benefits are payable; or

  • The month before the month the worker attains full retirement age (FRA); or

  • The month in which the worker dies.

C. Policy - Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) end date

DIB benefits end with the last day of whichever of the following months is earliest:

  • The second month after the month in which disability ceases.

    NOTE: Title XVI disability payments also terminate the second month after the month in which disability ceases.

    EXCEPTION: If an individual is entitled to an extended period of eligibility (EPE) benefits can be reinstated for any month in which the earnings fall below SGA within the 15 or 36-month EPE following the trial work period (TWP). The 15-month EPE rule was effective from December 1980 through December 1987. The 36 month EPE rule began January 1988 (See DI 13010.210 (Extended Period of Eligibility) and DI 28055.005 (How the EPE Works)); or

  • The month before the month the worker attains full retirement age (FRA); or

  • The month before the month the worker dies.