POMS Reference

RS 00615: Computation of Monthly Benefits Amounts

TN 26 (01-04)

A. Introduction

When the reduced WIB occurs after or concurrent with DIB, the reduced WIB amount depends on the DIB benefit. The DIB is calculated and then the WIB excess is reduced. See RS 00615.420 if the DIB begins after the WIB.

B. Policy

1. When calculation applies

This calculation applies when:

  • The first month for which an individual is entitled to WIB before FRA is a month for which he/she is also entitled to DIB; and

  • The amount of the unreduced WIB exceeds the DIB PIA.

2. When calculation does not apply

This calculation does not apply when:

  • The DIB PIA is higher than the unreduced WIB; or

  • The person is subsequently entitled to RIB after DIB terminates (resulting in the WIB no longer being reduced for age); or

  • The person is entitled to RIB in the MOET to WIB; or

  • The person's RIB entitlement precedes the DIB. (The RIB entitlement continues even after the DIB entitlement.)

C. Procedure

1. Computing benefits at the WIB MOET

Follow these steps to compute the initial WIB MBA if WIB MOET is 1/78 or later:








Determine unreduced WIB (consider FMAX and DNH's DRCs)



Compute unreduced excess WIB over DIB (Step 2 minus step 1)



Determine WIB RF at WIB MOET



Compute WIB MAR (Step 3 times step 4 times applicable fraction times .01) (See RS 00615.301B.2.)



Compute excess WIB (Step 3 minus step 5)



Compute WIB MBA at MOET (Step 6 plus DIB PIA at WIB MOET)



Does RIB LIM apply?



If no, STOP.



If yes, go to step 9.



If WIB MBA is greater than both RIB LIM and 82 1/2 % of death PIA, select higher of RIB LIM or 82 1/2%.



Compute reduced excess WIB (Step 9 minus step 1)


2. Computing subsequent WIB increases

Follow the steps in the chart above to compute WIB increases 1/78 and later. However, substitute

  • new DIB PIA for the DIB PIA at MOET (Step 1).

  • new unreduced WIB for the unreduced WIB at MOET (Steps 2, 3 and 4).

3. When DIB terminates

If the DIB terminates before or at FRA the following will apply:



Only entitled to WIB

refigure the WIB for the month of DIB termination by reducing it for age in the usual manner, without regard to the DIB entitlement. The RF is based on the initial MOET.

Entitled to WIB and RIB is elected when DIB terminates or in a later month

the WIB becomes unreduced effective with the RIB MOET (subject to RIB LIM if the DNH ever received a reduced RIB).

D. Examples

1. RIB LIM not involved

Mrs. C becomes entitled to DIB and WIB effective on her 63rd birthday. Her FRA is age 65. Her HA PIA is $200. The DNH never drew RIB or DIB. The D PIA is $300. Her MBA is determined as follows:


Unreduced D.




excess unreduced D


amount payable as D ($100 × 24 RF x fraction x .01)




full reduced D benefit

2. RIB LIM involved

Mrs. D became entitled to a WIB effective the month of her 64th birthday. Her FRA is age 65. She is currently receiving an unreduced DIB of $300. Her husband was receiving a reduced RIB of $350. His unreduced PIA is $400.30.

We must consider the following:



82.5% of DNH's PIA



RIB Limitation



unreduced DNH's PIA






excess unreduced D

$ 94.50


($100.30 ×12 RF x fraction x .01)






full reduced MBA

However, she can only be paid $350, because of the RIB limitation.

To find the fraction applicable to examples 1 and 2, refer to RS 00615.301B.2. You can also use the alternative reduction method mention under RS 00615.301B.1.d.

NOTE: In these examples, even if the HA rate is reduced subject to workers' compensation/PDB offset, the full HA PIA is used in calculating the WIB rate.