POMS Reference

RS 00301: Retirement, Survivors and Disability Requirements

TN 24 (07-11)

A. Introduction to alternate insured status test for NH’s under a disability before 1956

The alternate Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) insured status test is available only to a number holder (NH) who, though under a disability, does not have 20/40 for freeze or DIB in any quarter before 10/60 and who files an application in or after 09/60. The NH is deemed to have DIB insured status in the first quarter in which his waiting period could begin, if there is a quarter in which all the following requirements are met:

  1. disability began in or before that quarter;

  2. the wage earner had at least 20 quarters of coverage (QC) by the end of that quarter;

  3. all quarters beginning with 03/51 up to (but not including) that quarter are QCs and there are at least six such QCs.

B. Operating policy for alternate insured status test for NH’s under a disability before 1956

1. Applicability

The first quarter in which a NH can meet this requirement is the 09/52 quarter (since there must be at least six continuous QCs after 1950 and before that quarter). Thus, the first day on which a freeze can begin under this requirement is 07/01/52, and the last day on which it can begin is 12/31/55.

The first month for which we could pay a DIB based on this alternate test is 10/60. (However, if the NH had not attained age 50 in or before 10/ 60, entitlement could not begin before 11/60.)

2. Non-applicability

This alternate insured status test does not apply for applications filed after 7/02/62 and before 12/01/64 unless the NH was living 12/01/64 and continuously disabled from the date of filing until 12/01/64 or, if earlier, until age 65. It is also not effective for disabilities beginning after 1955, as any NH disabled after 1955 and meeting the alternative test would be insured under the 20/40 rule.

RS 003: Insured Status