POMS Reference

GN 01753: Totalization Agreement Between the United States and the Slovak Republic

BASIC (07-14)

A. Automatic status notice for an application for Slovak benefits

When the Office of International Operations (OIO) forwards information about a Slovak claim, certified copies of evidence, and a copy of the worker’s U.S. coverage record to the Slovak Republic, the Benefit Earnings Technician (BET) completes the Modernized Development Worksheet (MDW) screen to allow the type of claim, and the date the claim was forwarded. The system automatically generates a notice that the BET sends to the applicant.

B. Applicant requests status of a Slovak claim

If an applicant contacts SSA for the status of his or her claim for Slovak benefits take the following actions.

1. Checking the MDW screen

Check the MDW screen to see if OIO sent the claim to the Slovak Republic

If OIO has not completed the MDW screen, advise the applicant to write directly to OIO at the following address:

Social Security Administration
OIO – Totalization
P.O. Box 17769
Baltimore, Maryland 21235-7769

2. OIO completed the MDW screen

If OIO completed the MDW screen, advise the applicant to write directly to the Slovak agency at the following address:

Sociálna Poisovòa
Ul. 29 Augusta c. 8 a10
813 63 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

NOTE: OIO is unable to determine the status of a Slovak claim once they forward the claim to the Slovak Republic.

C. Reference

GN 01702.520 Status Requests and Post-Adjudicative Actions in Totalization Claims