POMS Reference

GN: General

TN 46 (01-14)

A. Policy for changes and additions on applications

1. Changes or additions before filing or attestation

The claimant, or proper applicant on the claimant’s behalf, may change entries on his or her application up until the claimant, or proper applicant on the claimant’s behalf, signs and delivers the application to us.

2. Changes or additions after filing

The claimant, or proper applicant on the claimant’s behalf, cannot make changes after filing because the application is our property. We cannot void the application. We must retain it since it is a Social Security Administration record. The only exception is when a claimant, or proper applicant on the claimant’s behalf, files a retirement application via the Internet, and mistakenly chooses Option C as the Internet month of election (MOEL). For more information on MOEL, see GN 00204.055K.

B. Procedure for changes and additions on applications

1. Changes or additions before filing or attestation

When the technician completes the application in the field office (FO):

  • Have the claimant or proper applicant on the claimant’s behalf review the application summary. If we need to make a correction, the FO technician will update the claim and reprint another application summary for claimant, or proper applicant on the claimant’s behalf, to review. Have the claimant, or proper applicant on the claimant’s behalf, attest under penalty of perjury that the information is correct.

  • As the technician, sign and date any changes made to a paper application, next to the change; and

  • Use a single line through incorrect data. Never use erasers or ink eradicators.

2. Changes or additions after filing

When a claimant, or proper applicant on the claimant’s behalf, reports information that is not a change or correction to an application summary, the Service Representative (SR) should address the inquiry and take necessary action to update the record.

When a claimant, or proper applicant on the claimant’s behalf, calls or sends in new or revised information regarding an application summary, follow these instructions:

  • Query the systems (e.g. Modernized Claims System (MCS), Modernized Supplemental Security Income Claims System (MSSICS), etc.) to determine if the claim is still pending.

  • If the claim is pending, follow these steps:

    1. If pending at the FO, refer to the appropriate Claims Representative (CR) to take the action.

    2. If pending at the Workload Support Unit (WSU);

      1. Fax the revisions or new information to the appropriate WSU; and

      2. Notify the WSU via phone or email about the incoming information.

  • If the claim is not pending, take the appropriate action such as processing a change of address, inputting a direct deposit, or processing a work report as a post-entitlement action. If a change is for the MOEL, refer the information to the appropriate CR in the office.

CR and Claims Taker should:

  • Determine if the new or revised information will have a material effect on an adjudicated application. If so, take the appropriate post entitlement corrective action (e.g., obtain an SSA-795 (Statement of Claimant or Other Person) to document a change a month of entitlement (MOE), get additional applications, etc.).

  • Follow applicable instructions for updating the new or revised information to the application as well as in the Electronic Disability Collection System (EDCS) using the Update After Transfer (UAT) input, if appropriate. For more information on the UAT utility, see DI 81010.095.

  • Print out and send the claimant, or proper applicant on the claimant’s behalf, a new summary application or amendment under the appropriate attestation notice.

  • Contact the claimant, proper applicant on the claimant’s behalf, or reporting individual if you need clarification on the reported changes.

Document changes on an application as follows:

If the change is:

then use a:

related to factors of entitlement

  • SSA-795,

  • Remarks Screen (RMKS) in MCS,

  • Person Statement (DPST) screen in MSSICS,

  • MCS or MSSICS Amended Application,

  • Supplemental application, or

  • Any other statement signed by the claimant, or proper applicant on the claimant’s behalf.

not related to factors of entitlement, is informational, or requires verification

  • SSA-5002 (Report of Contact)

  • MCS Report of Contact (RPOC) screen, or

  • MSSICS Report of Contact (DROC) screen.

3. Changes or additions during a non-interview situation

If a claimant, or proper applicant on the claimant’s behalf, changes an answer and then mails in the signed application, use an SSA-5002 or the RPOC screen in MCS, or the DROC screen in MSSICS to document the file to show:

  • we received the application with the changes;

  • what the change(s) was; and

  • the claimant’s, or proper applicant's reason for the change(s).

NOTE: If the claimant or proper applicant makes any changes to the application to indicate that he or she does not agree with any reporting responsibilities, send the claimant or proper applicant a notice advising that law and regulation obligate him or her to furnish accurate information, and he or she cannot transfer that responsibility to us. The notice should further advise the claimant or proper applicant his or her right to withdraw the application. If the claimant, or proper applicant, does not choose to withdraw, the FO should process the application as usual.

C. References