GN: General
TN 83 (07-14)
This section describes when to use the five option codes required on the Work Deduction/Election Option (DEME) screen in the Modernized Claims System (MCS) (MSOM MCS 005.025). For definitions and explanation of MOEL and MOET, see GN 00204.040.
A. MOEL option code “A”
MOEL option code “A” is a conditional (flexible) MOEL. We will determine the final MOEL when we verify the claimant’s earnings for the year of entitlement. The earnings enforcement process may move the MOEL or convert the MOEL to a MOET based on the verified earnings.
Use option “A” if the claimant:
has material earnings (see GN 00204.040A);
elects reduced benefits; and
selects an MOEL prior to full retirement age (FRA).
Do not use option “A” if the claimant:
does not accept reduced benefits;
does not have material earnings;
selects an MOEL that is FRA or over; or
is affected by retirement insurance benefit limitation (RIB- LIM).
B. MOEL option code “B”
MOEL option code “B” is also a conditional MOEL. The final MOEL is determined when we verify the claimant’s earnings for the year of entitlement and pay any partial payment due. The earnings enforcement process may move the MOEL or convert the MOEL to a MOET based on the verified earnings.
Use option “B” if the claimant:
selects an MOEL within 12 months of FRA;
accepts a partial payment in a month prior to FRA as long as there is no ongoing reduction in the benefit amount;
has material earnings; and
does not elect reduced benefits.
Do not use option “B” if the claimant:
selects an MOEL under FRA and wants reduced benefits;
selects an MOEL of FRA or later;
does not have material earnings; or
is affected by RIB-LIM.
C. MOET option code “C”
Option “C” is final (not flexible) and the earnings enforcement process does not automatically adjust this MOET. For procedures concerning changing the month of entitlement, see GN 00204.047. For administrative finality rules, see GN 04030.070.
Use option “C” if the claimant selects an MOET under FRA and:
alleges no material earnings; or
chooses a specific MOEL regardless of earnings; or
RIB-LIM applies.
Do not use option “C” when:
the claimant wants the MOEL to be revised upon verification of earnings; or
MOET is FRA or later (the correct code is D if the claimant selects FRA or later.)
D. MOET option code “D”
Option code “D” is final (not flexible). Use option code “D” when the MOET is FRA, later than FRA, or for a benefit category not subject to reduction for age (e.g., Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB), child’s benefits).
E. MOET option code “E”
Option code “E” is final (not flexible). Use option “E” in one specific situation when the claimant:
is an auxiliary spouse;
is age 61 years and 9 months old or older;
has a child-in-care;
has the same date of entitlement as the number holder (NH); and
is filing a DIB claim not established on the Master Benefit Record (MBR).
NOTE: Review all MOEL and MOET date entries propagated into iClaims to ensure the related option codes are accurate. For more information on the Internet MOEL process, see GN 00204.055K.