GN: General
TN 27 (01-11)
A. Interviewing claimants
Before starting an application for benefits, take the following steps:
Ask to see the claimant’s SSN card to ensure it shows the correct name and SSN.
Establish the identity of the claimant, per GN 00203.020.
Discuss eligibility and related evidence requirements with the claimant. This discussion is essential to the claimant's decision to file.
Identify the issues for resolution; e.g., proof of age or living arrangements.
Determine if the person you are interviewing intends to file a claim or is making an inquiry.
Use the PREI screen to record the Title II pre-application interview.
NOTE: The development record or developmental worksheet screens provide a ready reference to avoid oversight errors.
B. References
MSOM MCS 003.005 – Reading Pre-Interview (PREI) (Output Screen)
MSOM MSSICS 022.004 – Development Worksheet (DW01)