POMS Reference

GN: General

TN 27 (01-11)

A. Interviewing claimants

Before starting an application for benefits, take the following steps:

  • Ask to see the claimant’s SSN card to ensure it shows the correct name and SSN.

  • Establish the identity of the claimant, per GN 00203.020.

  • Discuss eligibility and related evidence requirements with the claimant. This discussion is essential to the claimant's decision to file.

  • Identify the issues for resolution; e.g., proof of age or living arrangements.

  • Determine if the person you are interviewing intends to file a claim or is making an inquiry.

  • Use the PREI screen to record the Title II pre-application interview.

NOTE: The development record or developmental worksheet screens provide a ready reference to avoid oversight errors.

B. References

  • MSOM MCS 003.005 – Reading Pre-Interview (PREI) (Output Screen)

  • MSOM MSSICS 022.004 – Development Worksheet (DW01)