POMS Reference

GN 040: Administrative Finality

TN 10 (10-01)


1. Applications

  1. Make no special effort to find potential claimants abroad. However, act on application leads either to get a formal application or advise potential claimants of their right to file.

  2. Enclose a copy of the inquiry or other lead when developing a lead through an application-taking Foreign Service Post. Explain any special circumstances and their possible effect on benefits. Include any instructions on alternative development. See GN 00904.015 for the address of the servicing office for foreign development.

2. Lump-Sum Death Payment (LSDP)

Do not solicit an application for an LSDP from an individual abroad unless a potential claimant inquires or information shows the name and address of a spouse who was living in the same household with the number holder at the time of death.