POMS Reference

SL: State and Local Coverage Handbook

BASIC (01-18)

A. SL 10001 Transmittal 03 (01/2018) Introduction to State and Local Coverage Handbook


State Social Security Administrators
RO: RSI Team Leaders
Regional General Counsel Staff


Originating Component



Effective Date

Upon Receipt



We reviewed current policy and consulted with the Regional Office Specialists regarding the involvement of the Parallel Social Security Office (PSSO) in the Section 218 Agreement and Modification process. This transmittal streamlines the policy to remove the unnecessary step of the PSSO.
In addition, we are adding instructions in SL 10001.130 and SL 10004.140 to provide guidance to State Administrators and Regional Offices regarding SSA sending letters to the State Governor advocating for the State Social Security Administrator position. These letters will reinforce the ongoing services of the State Administrators.

Summary of Changes

SL 10001.101 Purpose of SLCH
Updating this section to remove the reference to the parallel office (PSSO) in the first sentence of the policy. We are also rephrasing the first paragraph for clarity and making grammatical revisions throughout the section.

SL 10001.130 State Social Security Administrator Responsibilities

We made the following changes to this section:
Subsection B.1 –Amended this subsection by adding bullet “k” with additional responsibility for State Administrators to request SSA to send letter to the State Governor on case-by-case basis advocating for the State Social Security Administrator position to reinforce the ongoing services of the State Administrators.
Subsection B.2.- Removed the instructions in second bullet that required State Administrators to send a notice to the SSA parallel Social Security Office when the state administrator changes. Removed the pole location and cubicle number portion of the mailing address for the Office of Income Security Programs and replaced it with Attn: Coverage and Earnings Team.
Subsection B.3- Removed the instruction in second bullet advising the State Administrators to contact the SSA parallel Social Security Office and as needed. In addition, removed the instruction in formerly third bullet, now second bullet advising the State administrators to contact the national offices as needed based on the initiatives to refocus the communication at the regional level.
Subsection B.8 -Removed the instruction advising the State Administrators to seek guidance from the state’s PSSO.

SL 10001.140 SSA Program Administration

We made the following changes to this section:
Subsection A - Removed this subsection, which described the role of the PSSO.
Subsection B – Moved the first two bullets denoting responsibilities of the PSSO (formerly in subsection A) to subsection B to reflect that the Regional Office takes these actions. Removed the third and fourth bullets in the original subsection A. Updated the letters denoting the subsections after the removal of the original subsection A. Also, added last bullet reflecting instructions regarding sending letter to the State Governor on behalf of State Administrators.

SL 10001.150 Communication between the States and SSA

We are archiving this duplicate POMS section.

B. SL 30001 Transmittal 07 (01/2018) — Coverage Under Section 218 Agreements


State Social Security Administrators
RO: RSI Team Leaders
Regional General Counsel Staff


Originating Component



Effective Date

Upon Receipt



We reviewed current policy and consulted with the Regional Office Specialists regarding the involvement of the Parallel Social Security Office (PSSO) in the Section 218 Agreement and Modification process. As a result, we have determined that it is unnecessary to involve the PSSO in this process. This transmittal streamlines the policy to remove the involvement of the PSSO. We are also changing the format of some of the sections for clarity.

SL 30001.302 Definition of Terms for Section 218
We updated the title of the section and added a subsection heading with the lead in sentence to the glossary.
We removed the definition of the PSSO.
We moved the definition for Required Exclusion to follow alphabetical order.
We added hyperlinks to Section 218 of the Social Security Act.

SL 30001.305 Interstate Instrumentalities

We removed the reference to the PSSO in the last sentence of the policy and spelled out Regional Office.
We added subsection headings A, B, C, and D to divide the content in the section and revised the language for clarit
We added hyperlinks to Section 218 of the Social Security Act.

SL 30001.390 Entity No Longer in Existence or Inactivated

We replaced the instruction to send a copy of the notice to the PSSO with instruction to send the notice to the Regional Office
We added subsection headings A and B to divide the content in the section. In addition, we revised the language for clarity.

C. SL 40001 Transmittal 09 (01/2018) — Agreements and Modifications


State Social Security Administrators
RO: RSI Team Leaders
Regional General Counsel Staff


Originating Component



Effective Date

Upon Receipt



We reviewed current policy and consulted with the Regional Office Specialists regarding the involvement of the Parallel Social Security Office (PSSO) in the Section 218 Agreement and Modification process. This transmittal streamlines the policy to remove the unnecessary step of the PSSO.


Summary of Changes

SL 40001.401 State Enabling Legislation
We removed instructions to request assistance from the PSSO and replaced it with instructions to request assistance from the Regional Office. We split the existing section into two subsections for clarity.

SL 40001.405 SSA-State Negotiation Process
We removed this section and moved all information to section 410C and 420B.

SSL 40001.410 Original Agreement
We amended the title of the section and updated the wording of the entire section for clarity.
Subsection A – We amended the title of this subsection.
Subsection C – We amended this policy to reflect the Regional Office, and not the PSSO. We changed instructions to submit modifications to the RO instead of the PSSO. We also clarified with which RO the Interstate Instrumentality should be working. We added the information contained in the previous version of section 405 and removed reference to the PSSO and replaced it with RO.
Subsection D – We removed reference to review by the PSSO and instructions to maintain a copy of the modification in the PSSO. We amended this subsection to add an intermediary step of legal clearance between Regional Specialist review and Regional Commissioner sign-off.

SL 40001.420 Modifications to the Original Agreement
Subsection B – We removed reference to the Parallel Social Security Office, resulting in the removal of all of subsection B2. We updated the wording of the subsection for clarity. We added the information contained in the previous version of section 405 and removed reference to the PSSO and replaced it with RO.
Subsections D, E, F –We added a new subsection D containing information from RS 01505.071B and have re-lettered the subsequent POMS accordingly. We updated the titles of subsection E and the numbered subsections below it. We added new subsection F with information from RS 01505.071B and changed the heading of the subsection.
Subsection H – We wrote out the acronym FICA - Federal Insurance Contributions Act and updated the wording of the subsection for clarity.

SL 40001.470 Political Entity Erroneously Included in More Than One Modification
We amended the second sentence to send requests to the Regional Office instead of the Parallel Social Security Office.

SL 40001.475 Changes in Entity NameW
We removed instructions to send a copy of the accepted notice of name change to the Parallel Social Security Office. We split the section into two subsections and updated the wording for clarity.

SL 40001.477 Reporting New Government Components
Subsection A – We wrote out the acronym EIN - employer identification number
Subsection B – We removed reference to the Parallel Social Security Office and replaced it with the Regional Office. In B2, we replaced PSSO with Regional Office (RO). Removed B3. Renumbered B4 to B3. Renumbered B5 to B4 and removed instructions to send a copy of the notification form to the PSSO.

SL 40001.485 Legally Dissolved Entities

Subsection A – We wrote out the acronyms for the Regional Office (RO) and Employer Identification Number (EIN).
Subsection B – We changed PSSO to RO and removed review by the PSSO from the policy.