SI 02006: Windfall Offset and Effect on Title XVI Payments
Social Security Act — Section 1127
Regulations 20 CFR 404.408b and 20 CFR 416.1123(d)
TN 13 (09-95)
A. Definitions
1. Title II
A reduction of retroactive title II benefits by the amount of supplemental security income (SSI) benefits that would not have been due if we had paid the title II income on time.
2. Title XVI Offset
A reduction of SSI benefits by counting retroactive title II benefits as if we had paid them on time.
B. Policy Principle — The Title II Offset Computation
1. SSI Due
Includes federally administered State supplementary payment.
2. SSI Would Have Been Due
What would have been due if the retroactive title II income were paid in the months it was regularly due.
3. Formula
a. Step 1
SSI due
- SSI would have been due
Offset amount
b. Step 2
Retroactive title II
- Offset amount
Balance paid to recipient
C. Description of Retroactive Title II Benefits in the Title II Offset
The chart below describes the disposition of retroactive title II benefits in title II offset.
———————————————————- |
Retroactive |
Offset Amount— |
U.S. |
———————————————————- |
Offset Amount— |
State |
———————————————————- |
Balance |
D. References
Basic Policies and Procedures, GN 02610.005 ff.
System Instructions, SM 01320.005 and SM 01320.001 ff.
Applying Title II Offset to Concurrent Cases, GN 02610.018C
Income Counting Rules, SI 00830.015; SI 02005.090
SSI Computations, 4/82 On, SI 02005.001 ff.
SSI Computations, Before 4/82, SI 02005.001