SI 00810: General - Income Rules for the Supplemental Security Income Program
TN 51 (12-10)
A. Policy for relationship of income to resources
In general, anything received in a month, from any source, is income to an individual, subject to the definition of income for SSI purposes in What is Income SI 00810.005.
Anything the individual owned prior to the month under consideration is subject to the resource-counting rules.
An item an individual receives in the current month is income for the current month only. (See exceptions to this general rule in SI 00810.030.)
If held by the individual until the following month, that item is subject to resource-counting rules. (See exception in SI 01110.100 - SI 01110.115.)
Mr. Jones receives a dividend check for $300 at the end of May. He spends $150 immediately and deposits the remaining $150 in his savings account. His income for May is $300. The June 1 evaluation of Mr. Jones' resources will include the $150 he saved.
B. References
SI 01110.100B.1., Definition of resources
SI 00815.200, Conversion or Sale of a Resource
SI 01130.630, Cash and In-Kind Items Received for the Repair or Replacement of Lost, Damaged, or Stolen Excluded Resources
HI 03030.010A.3, How Resources are Counted
SI 01110.001, Role of Resources