SI 00601: General Applications and Interviewing Policy
TN 10 (09-01)
20 CFR 416.345
A. Policy
1. Requirement
An oral inquiry must be documented when received.
EXCEPTION: If an earlier protective filing date exists and a closeout notice was not issued, the earlier protective filing date is open. Therefore, there is no need to document a subsequent oral inquiry.
2. Field Office (FO) Documentation
The FO uses the 800 Number System Worksheet to document the oral inquiry.
3. Teleservice Center (TSC) Documentation
The TSC uses the 800 Number System Worksheet or Administrative Message to document the oral inquiry.
4. Other Documentation
If there is no record of a 800 Number System Worksheet, Claims Referral Screen or Administrative Message, other evidence can be accepted that an oral inquiry occurred on a particular day, e.g.,
written documentation of a CR's or SR's recollection,
Consolidated Modernized Development Worksheet entry,
copy of a closeout notice,
copy of a teleclaim application, or
copy of an appointment confirmation notice.
If evidence of an earlier protective filing date exists in another FO and no systems record exists, the servicing FO must contact that FO to obtain the paper documentation.
5. Retention Period
SI 00601.015C. contains the policy on retaining protective filing documentation.
B. References
Interim assistance reimbursement (IAR) authorization, SI 02003.010 - SI 02003.020
Closing out applications and protective filings, SI 00601.037