POMS Reference

SI 00520: Institutionalization

TN 20 (12-94)


Public Law 102-550


The Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, as amended in 1992 by Public Law 102-550, authorized the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to make grants to applicants to demonstrate the desirability and feasibility of providing very low cost housing, to be known as safe havens, to homeless persons who, at the time, are unwilling or unable to participate in mental health treatment programs or to receive other supportive services. The law provides exceptions to two SSI provisions for demonstration project participants:

  • ineligibility due to residence in a public institution, and

  • chargeable in-kind support and maintenance (ISM).

In May 1994, HUD announced the availability of grant funds for safe havens projects, and expects some sites to be operational early in 1995. When SSA, Central Office, is notified by HUD of where the demonstration project sites will be located, field offices will be provided with that information to assist them in identifying participants.


All SSI provisions apply to participants in the safe havens demonstration program, except that no individual living in a safe haven will:

  • be considered a resident of a public institution (SI 00520.001 B.4.); or

  • be charged ISM, to the extent that such support and maintenance is provided as a result of the safe havens demonstration project.