RS 01403: Wage Evidence
TN 13 (07-90)
There are generally 2 types of information sources
E/R-type information based on employer reportsor State UI agency audits of employer records; and
findings of the State UI agency, i.e. determinations made to pay UI benefits.
1. Probative Value
The degree of probative value depends on the source(s) of information used by the State UI agency in establishing its records, performing its audits, and making its determinations.
2. Information
The content should identify the employer and employee, the period(s) of employment, the amount of wages (tips) paid, the source of the information, and the State authority or authentication.
1. Requests - E/R and Audit
Request E/R and audit information from the State UI agency through the parallel FO or that FO which may certify from State records.
2. Requests - Findings
Obtain from the individual or request as in RS 01403.058C.1.