RM 10210: SSN Evidence Requirements
TN 2 (01-10)
A. General requirements for an original or new SSN
At least two documents to establish age, identity, and citizenship/lawful alien status are required per RM 10210.020 (Exceptions apply).
Additional documentation is required for:
An applicant, age 12 or older, per RM 10205.110;
A new (different) SSN request, per RM 10220.005; or
An applicant filing on behalf of someone else, per RM 10205.025.
See details:
RM 10205.025, Proper Applicant for a Social Security Card
RM 10205.110, Mandatory In-Person Interview for SSN Applicants Age 12 or Older
RM 10210.020, Number of Documents Required for an SSN
RM 10220.005, Overview and Policy for Requests for a New Social Security Number (SSN)
B. Requirements for a work-authorized SSN card
In addition, to the general requirements for an original or new SSN described in RM 10210.010A in this section:
A U.S. citizen (either US-born or foreign-born) must also provide evidence of U.S. citizenship; and
An alien allowed to work (either foreign-born or US-born) must also provide evidence of a work-authorized lawful alien status. For an example of a US-born alien, see RM 10211.001.
C. Requirements for a nonwork SSN card
In addition to the general requirements for an original or new SSN described in RM 10210.010A in this section, a US- or foreign-born alien without work authorization must also provide evidence establishing a valid nonwork need for an SSN card per RM 10211.610.
NOTE: Exceptions to evidence of lawful alien status apply for aliens residing outside the US, per RM 10211.600, and for undocumented aliens, per RM 10211.500.
D. References
RM 10210.015, Evidence Policy for a Replacement SSN Card
RM 10210.250, Overview of Evidence of Age for an SSN Card
RM 10210.405, Evidence of Identity for an SSN Card
RM 10210.500, General Information on Proof of US Citizenship for an SSN Card
RM 10211.001, Who Must Submit Evidence of Lawful Alien Status for an SSN Card