POMS Reference

NL: Notices, Letters and Paragraphs

TN 24 (12-17)

STU003 Student Disallowance – Not Attending Approved School

 (1)  not qualify for student's benefits because  (2)  not attending an elementary or secondary level high school which has been approved by a State or local government.


(1) “You do”/”She does”/”He does”

(2) “you are”/”she is”/”he is”/”you were”/”she was”/”he was”

STU005 Student Disallowance – Employer Involvement

 (1)  not qualify for student's benefits because  (2)  employer is paying  (3)  to go to school.


(1) “You do”/”She does”/”He does”

(2) “your”/”her”/”his”

(3) “you”/”her”/”him”

STUR06 Student Disallowance

 (1)  not qualify for student's benefits because  (2)  imprisoned for the conviction of a crime considered to be a felony.


(1) “You do”/”She does”/”He does”

(2) “you are”/”she is”/”he is”

STU007 Student Does not Meet Requirements for Full-time School Attendance

To qualify for student benefits:

 (1)  must be scheduled to attend school at least 20 hours a week, or

The school must consider  (2)  to be in full-time attendance, and

 (3)  course of study must last at least 13 weeks, and

 (4)  must be enrolled in a course that is not a correspondence course.


(1) “You”/full name

(2) “you”/”her”/“him”

(3) “your”/”her”/“his”

(4) “you”/”she”/ “he”