POMS Reference

NL 00725: Modernized Claims System (MCS) Notices

TN 22 (12-17)

PRI011 DIB — Beneficiary Imprisoned Before 2/95

We may be able to pay  (1)  up to February 1995 if  (2)  in a rehabilitation program while  (3)  imprisoned. Two things must be true about the program:

It must be approved for  (4)  by a court, and

It must be designed to make it possible for  (5)  to work after  (6)  release.


(1) “you”/Beneficiary's FN

(2) “you were”/“she was”/“he was”

(3) “you were”/“she was”/“he was”

(4) “you”/“her”/“him”

(5) “you”/“her”/“him”

(6) “your”/“her”/“his”

PRI014 Beneficiary Imprisoned 2/95 through 3/31/2000

We cannot pay  (1)  because  (2)  imprisoned for the conviction of a crime that can carry a sentence of more than one year. We cannot pay  (3)  even if  (4)  actual sentence is shorter.


(1) “you”/Beneficiary's FN

(2) “you are”/“she is”/ “he is”

(3) “you”/“her”/“him”

(4) “your”/“her”/”his”

PRI015 Beneficiary Imprisoned Before 2/95

We cannot pay  (1)  because  (2)  imprisoned before February 1995 for the conviction of a crime considered to be a felony. Beginning February 1995, the law changed. Now, we cannot pay Social Security benefits if  (3)  imprisoned for conviction of a crime that can carry a sentence of more than one year. We cannot pay  (4)  benefits even if  (5)  actual sentence is shorter.


(1) “you”/Beneficiary's FN

(2) “you were”/“she was”/“he was”

(3) “you are”/“she is”/ “he is”

(4) “you”/“her”/“him”

(5) “your”/“her”/“his”

PRI016 Number Holder Imprisoned – Entitled Auxiliaries Can be Paid

Even though we cannot pay  (1)  , we can pay other members of  (2)  family if they are entitled on  (3)  record.


(1) “you”/Beneficiary's FN

(2) “your”/“her”/“his”

(3) “your”/“her”/“his”

PRI017 Benefits Payable after Release from Prison

We may be able to pay  (1)  when  (2)  released. Please get in touch with us after  (3)  released. Then we will review your case to see if we can pay  (4)  .


(1) “you”/Beneficiary's FN

(2) “you are”/“she is”/“he is”

(3) “you are”/“she is”/“he is”

(4) “you”/“her”/“him”

PRI021 Suspending Benefits to a Sexually Dangerous Person

We cannot pay  (1)  because:

 (2)  convicted of a crime and confined in a jail or prison;

The crime included sexual activity, and

when  (3)  completed  (4)  sentence,  (5)  immediately sent by court order to an institution at public expense.

The court decided  (6)  a sexually dangerous person.


(1) Ms plus BLN/Mr plus BLN/BGN/BGN plus BLN/”you”

(2) “she was”/“he was”/“you were”

(3) “she”/“he”/“you”

(4) “her”/“his”/“your”

(5) “she was”/“he was”/“you were”

(6) “she was”/“he was”/“you were”

PRI030 Beneficiary Suspended 4/2000 or Later Due to a Non-Felony Conviction

We cannot pay  (1)  because  (2)  imprisoned for the conviction of a crime.


(1) “you”/name

(2) ““she is”/“he is”/“you are””

PRI049 Explains Provisions of PL 108-203 (Fugitive Felon Suspensions)

Beginning January 2005, the law prohibits us from paying Social Security benefits to individuals who have an outstanding arrest warrant for a crime which is a felony (or, in jurisdictions that do not define crimes as felonies, a crime that is punishable by death or imprisonment for a term exceeding 1 year), or who have violated a condition of probation or parole under Federal or State law. We have information that  (1)   (2)  into one of these categories.


(1) BGN plus BLN/”you”

(2) “falls”/ “fall”