POMS Reference

NL: Notices, Letters and Paragraphs

TN 23 (12-17)

CIC001 Disallowance – No Child in Care

 (1)  not qualify for  (2)  benefits because  (3)  not caring for  (4)  and  (5)  not age  (6)  .


(1) “You do”/“She does”/ “He does”

(2) “wife's”/“husband's”/“mother's”/“father's”

(3) “you are”/“she is”/ “he is”

(4) “a child of [4a] who is entitled to Social Security benefits”/“a child who is entitled to benefits on [4b] Social Security record”/“[4c] natural or adoptive child who is entitled to benefits on [4b] Social Security record.”

[4a] NH's SN

[4b] NH's SN

[4c] “your”/“her”/“his”

(5) “you are”/“she is”/ “he is”

(6) “60”/“62”

CIC010 Disabled Minor Child Onset Established Later than Alleged – Spouse MOE Affected

We found that your child became disabled  (1)  . This is different from the date given on the application. You are entitled to benefits because you have a disabled child in

your care. Therefore, the date the child became disabled

affects when your benefits start. You are entitled to benefits beginning  (2)  .


(1) date of onset

(2) date of entitlement

CIC011 Disabled Minor Child Given a Closed Period of Disability – Spouse MOE Affected

To be entitled to Social Security Benefits, you must have a child in your care who is also entitled to benefits. And, that child must be under age 16 or disabled.

We have decided that your child became disabled according to our rules on  (1)  and was no longer disabled in  (2)  . Therefore, the first month for which we could pay you benefits is  (3)  . We could pay you for the month the disability ended and the following 2 months. This means that the last month for which you were entitled to benefits was  (4)  .


(1) date of onset

(2) ending date of disability

(3) date of entitlement

(4) ending date of entitlement

CIC012 Medical Improvement Possible – Mother's/Father's Benefits – 3 Year Diary

You are entitled to benefits because doctors and other trained staff decided that your child is disabled under our rules. But, this decision must be reviewed at least once every 3 years. We will send you or your child a letter before we start the review. Based on that review, your benefits will continue if your child is still disabled, but will end if your child is no longer disabled.

CIC013 Medical Improvement Not Expected – Mother's/Father's Benefits – 5 Year Diary

You qualify for benefits because doctors and other trained staff decided that you have a disabled child in your care. However we must review all disability cases. Therefore, we will review your child's case in 5 to 7 years. We will send you a letter before we start the review. Based on that review, your benefits will continue if your child is still disabled, but will end if your child is no longer disabled.

CIC014 Medical Improvement Expected – Mother's/Father's Benefits – 6 to 18 Month Diary

You are entitled to benefits because you have a disabled child in your care. The doctors and other trained personnel who made the disability decision expect your child's health to improve. Therefore, we will review your child's case in  (1)  . We will send you a letter before we start the review. Based on that review, your benefits will continue if your child is still disabled. But they will end if your child is no longer disabled.


(1) date of review in the format Month YYYY

CIC015 Disabled Minor Child Given a Closed Period of Disability – Potential for Future Spouse's (Mother's/Father's Entitlement)

If your child's health gets worse and you think  (1)  is disabled before reaching age 22, you should contact us about applying again for benefits.


(1) “he/she”