HI 00801: Hospital Insurance Entitlement
TN 27 (05-94)
A. Background
To qualify for deemed GEQCs, an individual must have been a Federal employee at any time during 1/83.
B. Definition of employee during 1/83
An individual was an “employee during 1/83” if he/she was in pay status (either on duty or on approved annual or sick leave) or on approved LWOP. It may also include certain other individuals who were in non-pay status when the employing agency certifies under its personnel rules that the individual was an “employee during January 1983.”
C. Policy
Retirement (and resignation) is effective at midnight at the end of the effective date. If a person was in pay status or approved LWOP at the end of the work week ending immediately prior to 1/1/83, but retirement or resignation was not effective until midnight Saturday, 1/1/83, the individual was an employee during 1/83 and is eligible for deemed GEQCs.
D. Procedure
If evidence of MQGE earnings (SEQY or DEQY extracts, W-2s, or pay slips) shows Federal earnings both during 1982 and 1983, assume, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that the individual was a Federal employee during 1/83.
If there is any question as to whether the individual was a Federal employee during 1/83, obtain one of the following to verify employment status during 1 /83:
A pay slip; or
A signed statement on the agency's letterhead certifying to the employee's status based on official records of employment and pay; or
In the case of a pay slip, note that some Federal agencies' 1982 leave year ended 1/1/83; others ended 1/8/83. If a pay slip for the period 12/19 /82 - 1/1/83 shows 80 hours in pay status, or a pay slip for the period 12/26/82 - 1/8/83 shows 40 hours in pay status, the individual is eligible for deemed GEQCs.