POMS Reference
Table of contents
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GN: General
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GN 002: Applications and Interviews
GN 00201: Program - Related Claims Practices
GN 00202: Leads and Inquiries
GN 00203: Interviewing
GN 00204: Applications
GN 00205: Completion of Applications
GN 00206: Withdrawals
GN 00210: Same-Sex Marriage Claims
GN 00211: Providing Standard and Non-Standard Accommodations to Members of the Public
GN 003: Evidence
GN 00301: General Evidentiary Standards
GN 00302: Proof of Age
GN 00303: Citizenship, Alien Status and Residency
GN 00304: Proof of Death
GN 00305: Proof of Marital Relationship
GN 00306: Child Relationship and Dependency
GN 00307: Foreign Evidence
GN 00308: Sources and Fees for State and Local Vital Statistics Records
GN 00312: Sources of Vital Statistics Records outside the U.S.
GN 004: Disaster Procedures
GN 00401: Disaster Management
GN 00410: Processing Claims and Payments in Disasters
GN 005: Selection of Representative Payee
GN 00501: Representative Payee - General
GN 00502: Determining the Need for, Developing and Selecting a Representative Payee
GN 00503: Payee Notices and Appeal Rights
GN 00504: Suspensions for Payee Development and Other Payee Actions
GN 00505: Foreign Claims - Representative Payee Procedures Outside the U.S.
GN 00506: Payment for Representative Payee Services
GN 006: Use and Accountability of Benefits
GN 00602: Use of Benefits
GN 00603: Conservation of Benefits
GN 00605: Representative Payee Accountability
GN 00608: Foreign Claims - Use and Accountability
GN 009: Miscellaneous FO and OIO Activity
GN 00903: Information and Referral Services
GN 00904: Jurisdiction and Contacts
GN 00905: Techniques Concerning SSA Foreign Operations
GN 010: Adjudication
GN 01010: Adjudicative Policy and Standards
GN 01020: Use and Completion of the Forms SSA-3601 and SSA-409
GN 01030: Adjudicative Procedures for Foreign Claims
GN 01040: Establishment of Diaries and Listings
GN 01050: Assembly, Jurisdiction and Routing of Claims
GN 01061: Preparing Amended and Underpayment Awards in Processing Centers and Field Offices
GN 01070: Intercomponent Communications
GN 01085: Retention Periods for Program-Related Documents and Forms
GN 017: Totalization Benefits
GN 01701: Totalization Benefits - General
GN 01702: DO Development and Routing of Totalization Claims
GN 01703: DIO Processing of Totalization Claims
GN 01704: Development Support Examiner (DSE) and Benefit Earnings Technician (BET) Processing Instructions
GN 01705: Agreement With Italy
GN 01706: DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Italy
GN 01707: Agreement With Germany
GN 01708: DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Germany
GN 01709: Agreement With Switzerland
GN 01710: DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Switzerland
GN 01711: Agreement With Norway
GN 01712: DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Norway
GN 01713: Agreement with Belgium
GN 01714: DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Belgium
GN 01715: Agreement With Canada
GN 01716: DIO Processing Under the Agreement with Canada and the Quebec Understanding
GN 01717: Agreement With Sweden
GN 01718: DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Sweden
GN 01719: Agreement with the United Kingdom
GN 01720: DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with the United Kingdom
GN 01721: Agreement with Spain
GN 01722: DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Spain
GN 01723: Agreement with France
GN 01724: DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with France
GN 01725: Agreement with the Netherlands
GN 01726: DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with the Netherlands
GN 01727: Agreement with Portugal
GN 01728: DIO and FSP Processing under the Agreement with Portugal
GN 01729: Agreement With Austria
GN 01730: OIO and FSP Processing under the Agreement with Austria
GN 01731: Agreement With Finland
GN 01732: OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Finland
GN 01733: Agreement With Luxembourg
GN 01734: OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Luxembourg
GN 01735: Agreement With Ireland
GN 01736: OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Ireland
GN 01737: Agreement With Greece
GN 01738: OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Greece
GN 01739: Agreement with Chile
GN 01740: DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Chile
GN 01741: Agreement with the Republic of Korea
GN 01742: OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Korea
GN 01743: Agreement With Australia
GN 01744: OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement With Australia
GN 01745: Agreement With Japan
GN 01746: OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Japan
GN 01747: Agreement with Denmark
GN 01748: DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement With Denmark
GN 01749: Agreement with the Czech Republic.
GN 01750: OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with the Czech Republic
GN 01751: Agreement with Poland
GN 01752: OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Poland
GN 01753: Totalization Agreement Between the United States and the Slovak Republic
GN 01755: Agreement with Hungary
GN 01756: DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Hungary
GN 01757: Agreement with Brazil
GN 01758: OEIO, DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Brazil
GN 01760: Agreement with Uruguay
GN 01762: OEIO, DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Uruguay
GN 01763: Agreement with Iceland
GN 01770: International Agreements - Continued
GN 01771: OEIO, DIO, and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Slovenia
GN 01772: Agreement With Iceland
GN 022: Overpayments
GN 02201: General Information Title II, Title XVI, and Title XVIII Overpayments - Part I
GN 02205: Liability for Recovery of Title II and Black Lung Overpayments
GN 02210: Methods of Recovery for Title II, Title VIII, Title XVI, and Title XVIII Overpayments - Part I
GN 02215: Methods of Recovery for Title II, Title XVI, and Title XVIII Overpayments - Part II
GN 02220: Internet Remittance Applications
GN 02230: Special Overpayment Procedures
GN 02250: Waiver Provisions for Title II and Title XVI Overpayments
GN 02270: Personal Conference Procedures When Waiver Cannot be Approved
GN 02280: Overpayments — Exhibits
GN 023: Underpayments
GN 02301: Policy and Disposition of Underpayments
GN 02315: Small Estate Statutes
GN 02330: Premium Underpayments
GN 02335: Underpayments Due to Medical Services Received
GN 024: Checks
GN 02401: Checks - General Information
GN 02402: Direct Deposit - Title II and Title XVI
GN 02403: Procedures for Handling Remittances and Premium Payments in the Field Office
GN 02405: Processing Unendorsed Returned Benefit Checks - Title II and Title XVI
GN 02406: Failure to Receive a Check/Payment - Title II, Title XVI
GN 02408: Stop Payments and Reclamations
GN 02409: Waiver and Voluntary Suspension of Benefits
GN 02410: Assignment, Levy, Garnishment
GN 02413: Gifts to the Government
GN 026: Posteligibility
GN 02602: Continuing Eligibility
GN 02603: Readjustment Procedures
GN 02604: Penalties
GN 02605: Processing Change of Address
GN 02606: Processing Field Office Requests for Action/Information
GN 02607: Prisoner Provisions
GN 02608: Government Pension Offset
GN 02610: Title II/Title XVI (Windfall) Offset
GN 02613: Title II/Title XVI Fugitive Felons and Parole and Probation Violators
GN 02615: Court Case Processing for Fugitive Felon and Parole and Probation Violators
GN 028: Legislative Economic Payment Activities
GN 02821: Economic Stimulus Act of 2008
GN 030: Due Process Requirements for Processing First/Third Party Reports-Title II
GN 03001: Due Process Requirements for Processing First/Third Party Reports-Title II
GN 031: Appeals
GN 03101: Appeals (Title II and Entitlement Under Title XVIII)
GN 03102: Reconsideration (Title II and Entitlement Under Title XVIII)
GN 03103: Hearings (Title II and Entitlement Under Title XVIII)
GN 03104: Appeals Council Review (Title II and Entitlement Under Title XVIII)
GN 03105: Claims Folder Reconstruction
GN 03106: Litigation
GN 03107: Expedited Appeals Process (EAP) (Title II)
GN 03108: Medicare Procedures
GN 033: Disclosure/Confidentiality of Information
GN 03301: Law and Regulations - Disclosure/Confidentiality
GN 03305: Disclosure With Consent
GN 03311: Privacy Act and FOIA Fees
GN 03312: Disclosure for Law Enforcement Purposes
GN 03313: Disclosure to Federal Agencies and Officials
GN 03314: Disclosure to State and Local Agencies and Tribal Authorities
GN 03315: Disclosure Concerning Deceased or Missing Persons
GN 03316: Disclosure to Administer SSA Programs and Other Miscellaneous Disclosures
GN 03320: Tax Return Information
GN 03325: Disclosure and Verification of Social Security Numbers (SSN)
GN 03330: Subpoenas and Court Orders - Disclosure
GN 03340: Access to SSA Records
GN 03345: Correction of SSA Records
GN 03350: FOIA and Privacy Act Denials and Appeals
GN 03360: Privacy Act Administration, Communication and Other Procedures
GN 035: Acquiescence Rulings
GN 03501: Acquiescence Rulings - General
GN 039: Representation and Representative's Fee
GN 03905: Forms, Exhibits and Notices for Representatives
GN 03910: Representation of Claimants
GN 03913: Individual and Entity Registration for Representative Services and Direct Payment of Fees
GN 03920: Administering Representatives Fees Provisions
GN 03930: Fee Authorization Under the Fee Petition Process
GN 03940: Fee Authorization Under the Fee Agreement Process
GN 03950: Administrative Review of Fee Authorizations Under the Fee Petition Process
GN 03960: Administrative Review of Determinations Under the Fee Agreement Process
GN 03970: Suspension or Disqualification of Representatives
GN 03980: Conflict of Interest
GN 03990: Equal Access to Justice Act
GN 040: Administrative Finality
GN 04001: Reopening (Title II Only)
GN 04010: Reopening Within 4 Years (Title II and Entitlement Under Title XVIII)
GN 04020: Unrestricted Reopening (Title II only)
GN 04030: Administrative Finality - Special Situations (Title II only)
GN 04040: Administrative Finality - Relationship to Other Procedures (Title II only)
GN 04060: Title XVIII Administrative Finality - Reopening and Revising Part A and Part B Determinations and Decisions
GN 044: Quality Appraisal
GN 04410: RSI Claims Quality Appraisal System
GN 04440: Federal Quality Review of Disability Determinations
GN 04442: The Quality Assurance Review of Railroad Disability Claims
GN 04447: GLPSC - DRS Procedures for Quality Assurance Review of Railroad Disability Claims
GN 04448: Disability Hearing Review
GN 04461: SSI Quality Reviews
GN 050: Taxation of Benefits
GN 05001: Taxation of Benefits - Introduction
GN 05002: The Social Security Benefit Statement
GN 05010: Nonresident Alien Withholding Tax
GN 060: Special Intranet/Internet Services
GN 06010: Providing Copies of the Law, Regulations, and POMS to the Public
GN 990: Spanish Language
GN 99002: Spanish Language Applications and Forms
RM: Records Maintenance
Table of Contents: SSA Program Operations Manual System (POMS)
RS: Retirement and Survivors Insurance