GN 02402.200:
List of International Direct Deposit (IDD) Countries
Effective Dates: 08/24/2017 - Present
- Effective Dates: 05/02/2018 - Present
TN 78 (08-17)
- TN 102 (04-18)
- GN 02402.200 List of International Direct Deposit (IDD) Countries
- A. IDD countries in alphabetical order
- The following chart provides all IDD countries in alphabetical order, with the appropriate enrollment form number and the Program Operations Manual System (POMS) reference that provides the enrollment form and coding instructions:
- IDD Country
- Form Suffix after “SSA-1199-”
- Location in POMS
- Albania
- OP48
- GN 02402.369G
- Anguilla
- OP1
- GN 02402.311E
- Antigua and Barbuda
- OP2
- GN 02402.312E
- Argentina
- OP38
- GN 02402.355G
- Australia
- OP3
- GN 02402.310E
- Austria
- AS
- GN 02402.313E
- Bahama Islands
- OP4
- GN 02402.314E
- Bangladesh
- OP59
- GN 02402.390A
- Barbados
- OP5
- GN 02402.315E
- Belgium
- OP6
- GN 02402.316E
- Belize
- OP36
- GN 02402.362G
- Bolivia
- OP47
- GN 02402.370G
- Bosnia Herzegovina
- OP57
- GN 02402.388A
- Brazil
- OP50
- GN 02402.356G
- British Virgin Islands
- OP7
- GN 02402.317E
- Bulgaria
- OP55
- GN 02402.382A
- Cambodia
- OP71
- GN 02402.398B
- Canada
- CN
- GN 02402.300G
- Cape Verde
- OP41
- GN 02402.371G
- Cayman Islands
- OP8
- GN 02402.318E
- Chile
- OP78
- GN 02402.407B
- China
- OP49
- GN 02402.372G
- Colombia
- OP44
- GN 02402.360G
- Costa Rica
- OP51
- GN 02402.380A
- Croatia
- OP50
- GN 02402.357G
- Cyprus
- OP9
- GN 02402.319E
- Czech Republic
- OP13
- GN 02402.358G
- Denmark
- DN
- GN 02402.320E
- Dominica
- OP42
- GN 02402.364H
- Dominican Republic
- SP–OP1
- GN 02402.321E
- Ecuador
- OP75
- GN 02402.404B
- Egypt
- OP33
- GN 02402.354G
- Eritrea
- OP74
- GN 02402.399B
- Estonia
- ES
- GN 02402.345F
- Ethiopia
- OP60
- GN 02402.384A
- Finland
- OP10
- GN 02402.322E
- France
- FR
- GN 02402.301E
- Georgia
- OP85
- GN 02402.410B
- Germany
- GE
- GN 02402.302E
- Ghana
- OP40
- GN 02402.359G
- Greece
- GR
- GN 02402.339E
- Greece, English version
- GR-OP1
- GN 02402.339E
- Grenada
- OP11
- GN 02402.323E
- Haiti
- HC
- GN 02402.324E
- Hong Kong
- OP12
- GN 02402.325E
- Hungary
- HU
- GN 02402.341G
- Hungary, English version
- HU-OP1
- GN 02402.341G
- Iceland
- OP28
- GN 02402.351G
- India
- IN
- GN 02402.344G
- Indonesia
- OP36
- GN 02402.365G
- Ireland
- OP13
- GN 02402.303E
- Israel
- OP14
- GN 02402.337E
- Italy
- IT
- GN 02402.304F
- Jamaica
- OP15
- GN 02402.326E
- Japan
- JA
- GN 02402.343G
- Jordan
- OP45
- GN 02402.361G
- Kenya
- OP76
- GN 02402.400B
- Laos
- OP64
- GN 02402.389A
- Latvia
- OP44
- GN 02402.373G
- Lebanon
- OP52
- GN 02402.378A
- Liberia
- OP83
- GN 02402.405B
- Lithuania
- OP34
- GN 02402.347G
- Luxembourg
- OP29
- GN 02402.349G
- Macedonia
- OP63
- GN 02402.387A
- Malaysia
- OP56
- GN 02402.385A
- Malta
- OP16
- GN 02402.327E
- Martinique
- OP42
- GN 02402.374G
- Mexico
- SP-OP2
- GN 02402.338E
- Monaco
- OP37
- GN 02402.367G
- Montenegro
- OP70
- GN 02402.396B
- Morocco
- OP58
- GN 02402.297B
- Nauru
- OP40
- GN 02402.363G
- Netherlands
- OP17
- GN 02402.328E
- New Zealand
- OP19
- GN 02402.330E
- Nigeria
- OP53
- GN 02402.379A
- Norway
- OP20
- GN 02402.305E
- Pakistan
- OP46
- GN 02402.375G
- Palestine
- OP84
- GN 02402.406B
- Panama
- OP21
- GN 02402.342G
- Paraguay
- OP66
- GN 02402.391B
- Peru
- OP43
- GN 02402.376G
- Philippines
- OP77
- GN 02402.401B
- Poland
- PO
- GN 02402.340G
- Poland, English version
- PO-OP1
- GN 02402.340G
- Portugal
- PE
- GN 02402.306E
- Romania
- OP45
- GN 02402.377G
- Russia
- OP65
- GN 02402.392B
- Samoa
- OP30
- GN 02402.353G
- San Marino
- OP38
- GN 02402.368G
- Serbia
- OP68
- GN 02402.395A
- Sierra Leone
- OP67
- GN 02402.383A
- Singapore
- OP35
- GN 02402.352G
- Sint Maarten
- OP18
- GN 02402.329E
- Slovakia
- OP31
- GN 02402.348G
- Slovenia
- OP32
- GN 02402.350G
- South Africa
- OP22
- GN 02402.331E
- South Korea
- SK
- GN 02402.366G
- Spain
- SP
- GN 02402.307E
- Sri Lanka
- OP62
- GN 02402.394A
- St. Kitts and Nevis
- OP23
- GN 02402.336E
- St. Lucia
- OP24
- GN 02402.332E
- St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- OP26
- GN 02402.333E
- Suriname
- OP82
- GN 02402.402B
- Sweden
- SW
- GN 02402.308E
- Switzerland
- SZ
- GN 02402.334E
- Trinidad and Tobago
- OP26
- GN 02402.335E
- Taiwan
- OP79
- GN 02402.409B
- Tanzania
- OP81
- GN 02402.403B
- Tunisia
- OP54
- GN 02402.381A
- Turkey
- OP27
- GN 02402.346F
- United Kingdom
- UK
- GN 02402.309E
- Vietnam
- OP80
- GN 02402.408B
- B. IDD enrollment forms in alphanumerical order
- Use a separate SSA-1199 (Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form) for each IDD country. The suffix that appears after the form number designates the country for which we use the form.
- The following chart displays the forms used for all IDD countries in alphanumeric order, by form suffix, in the second column. This chart will help you find the POMS reference you need to complete a particular form when you only have the form number.
- EXAMPLE: If you want to find the POMS instructions for completing the SSA-1199-OP3, skim through the form suffixes in the second column until you reach those that begin with the letter “O.” They all begin with “OP.” All suffixes beginning with OP1 appear first, followed by suffixes that begin with OP2. After OP2, you see OP20 through OP26, and then OP3. As shown in the chart, when you locate the OP3, you see that GN 02402.310E provides the instructions you need to complete Form SSA-1199-OP3.
- IDD Country
- Form Suffix After “SSA-1199-”
- Location in POMS
- Austria
- AS
- GN 02402.313E
- Canada
- CN
- GN 02402.300G
- Denmark
- DN
- GN 02402.320E
- Estonia
- ES
- GN 02402.345F
- France
- FR
- GN 02402.301E
- Germany
- GE
- GN 02402.302E
- Greece
- GR
- GN 02402.339E
- Greece, English version
- GR-OP1
- GN 02402.339E
- Haiti
- HC
- GN 02402.324E
- Hungary
- HU
- GN 02402.341G
- Hungary, English version
- HU-OP1
- GN 02402.341G
- Italy
- IT
- GN 02402.304F
- India
- IN
- GN 02402.344G
- Japan
- JA
- GN 02402.343G
- Anguilla
- OP1
- GN 02402.311E
- Finland
- OP10
- GN 02402.322E
- Grenada
- OP11
- GN 02402.317E
- Hong Kong
- OP12
- GN 02402.325E
- Czech Republic
- OP13
- GN 02402.358G
- Ireland
- OP13
- GN 02402.303E
- Israel
- OP14
- GN 02402.337E
- Jamaica
- OP15
- GN 02402.326E
- Malta
- OP16
- GN 02402.327E
- Netherlands
- OP17
- GN 02402.328E
- Sint Maarten
- OP18
- GN 02402.329E
- New Zealand
- OP19
- GN 02402.330E
- Antigua and Barbuda
- OP2
- GN 02402.312E
- Norway
- OP20
- GN 02402.305E
- Panama
- OP21
- GN 02402.342G
- South Africa
- OP22
- GN 02402.331E
- St. Kitts and Nevis
- OP23
- GN 02402.336E
- St. Lucia
- OP24
- GN 02402.332E
- St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- OP25
- GN 02402.333E
- British Virgin Islands
- OP26
- GN 02402.317E
- Trinidad and Tobago
- OP26
- GN 02402.335E
- Turkey
- OP27
- GN 02402.346F
- Iceland
- OP28
- GN 02402.351G
- Luxembourg
- OP29
- GN 02402.349G
- Australia
- OP3
- GN 02402.310E
- Samoa
- OP30
- GN 02402.353G
- Slovakia
- OP31
- GN 02402.348G
- Slovenia
- OP32
- GN 02402.350G
- Egypt
- OP33
- GN 02402.354G
- Lithuania
- OP34
- GN 02402.347G
- Singapore
- OP35
- GN 02402.352G
- Belize
- OP36
- GN 02402.362G
- Indonesia
- OP36
- GN 02402.365G
- Monaco
- OP37
- GN 02402.367G
- Argentina
- OP38
- GN 02402.355G
- San Marino
- OP38
- GN 02402.368G
- Bahama Islands
- OP4
- GN 02402.314E
- Ghana
- OP40
- GN 02402.359G
- Nauru
- OP40
- GN 02402.363G
- Cape Verde
- OP41
- GN 02402.371G
- Dominica
- OP42
- GN 02402.364H
- Martinique
- OP42
- GN 02402.374G
- Peru
- OP43
- GN 02402.376G
- Colombia
- OP44
- GN 02402.360G
- Latvia
- OP44
- GN 02402.373G
- Jordan
- OP45
- GN 02402.361G
- Romania
- OP45
- GN 02402.377G
- Pakistan
- OP46
- GN 02402.375G
- Bolivia
- OP47
- GN 02402.370G
- Albania
- OP48
- GN 02402.369G
- China
- OP49
- GN 02402.372G
- Barbados
- OP5
- GN 02402.315E
- Brazil
- OP50
- GN 02402.356G
- Croatia
- OP50
- GN 02402.357G
- Costa Rica
- OP51
- GN 02402.380A
- Lebanon
- OP52
- GN 02402.378A
- Nigeria
- OP53
- GN 02402.379A
- Tunisia
- OP54
- GN 02402.381A
- Bulgaria
- OP55
- GN 02402.382A
- Malaysia
- OP56
- GN 02402.385A
- Bosnia Herzegovina
- OP57
- GN 02402.388A
- Morocco
- OP58
- GN 02402.297B
- Bangladesh
- OP59
- GN 02402.390A
- Belgium
- OP6
- GN 02402.316E
- Ethiopia
- OP60
- GN 02402.384A
- Sri Lanka
- OP62
- GN 02402.394A
- Macedonia
- OP63
- GN 02402.387A
- Laos
- OP64
- GN 02402.389A
- Russia
- OP65
- GN 02402.392B
- Paraguay
- OP66
- GN 02402.391A
- Sierra Leone
- OP67
- GN 02402.383A
- Serbia
- OP68
- GN 02402.395A
- Montenegro
- OP70
- GN 02402.396B
- Cambodia
- OP71
- GN 02402.398B
- Eritrea
- OP74
- GN 02402.399B
- Ecuador
- OP75
- GN 02402.404B
- Kenya
- OP76
- GN 02402.400B
- Philippines
- OP77
- GN 02402.401B
- Chile
- OP78
- GN 02402.409B
- Taiwan
- OP79
- GN 02402.409B
- Cayman Islands
- OP8
- GN 02402.318E
- Vietnam
- OP80
- GN 02402.408B
- Tanzania
- OP81
- GN 02402.403B
- Suriname
- OP82
- GN 02402.402B
- Liberia
- OP83
- GN 02402.405B
- Palestine
- OP84
- GN 02402.406B
- Georgia
- OP85
- GN 02402.410B
- Cyprus
- OP9
- GN 02402.319E
- Portugal
- PE
- GN 02402.306E
- Poland
- PO
- GN 02402.337E
- Poland, English version
- PO-OP1
- GN 02402.337E
- South Korea
- SK
- GN 02402.366G
- Spain
- SP
- GN 02402.307E
- Dominican Republic
- SP-OP1
- GN 02402.321E
- Mexico
- SP-OP2
- GN 02402.338E
- Sweden
- SW
- GN 02402.308E
- Switzerland
- SZ
- GN 02402.334E
- United Kingdom
- UK
- GN 02402.309E
← This means that the line
was removed and
was added – in other words, the "Effective Dates" line at the top of the document has been updated to reflect that the new version is effective as of the date the change was made.