GN 02401: Checks - General Information
TN 29 (02-17)
A. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) check information
1. Check date
The Department of Treasury (Treasury) dates monthly SSI checks for the first day of the month. For dates falling on Saturdays, Sundays, or Federal holidays, Treasury dates the SSI check for the business day immediately preceding the 1st. For example, the SSI check payment date for May 1, 2016, fell on a Sunday, so the payment date for the May 2016 SSI check was April 29, 2016.
2. Separate payments
Each eligible individual receives a separate check. Spouses cannot have their checks combined, except in force-pay situations.
B. Process to issue SSI checks
1. Check issuance
Treasury’s Regional Financial Centers (RFCs) splits the processes and issues of SSI checks between its Kansas City RFC and Philadelphia RFC. The Philadelphia RFC processes and issues SSI checks with zip codes starting with the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. The Kansas City RFC processes all remaining SSI check payments. The SSI daily printing rotates on a quarterly basis between Kansas City and Philadelphia.
2. Check identifiers
Here are some common check identifiers:
SSI checks issued for supplemental payments will contain the acronym “SSI” at the bottom of the check;
SSI checks that are reoccurring will contain the verbiage “SSI for (payment month)”;
checks including a State Supplement will always contain “STATE PAYMENT INCLUDED”; and
checks replaced due to nonreceipt allegations will contain “Replaces check 4009 99999999 dated mm/dd/yyyy.” (“4009” represents the original check symbol, and “99999999” represents the original check number).
C. References
SI 02004.000 Direct Field Office Payments
SI 02004.001 Emergency Advance Payments and Immediate Payments