GN 01702: DO Development and Routing of Totalization Claims
TN 2 (03-04)
A. Introduction
If an applicant files for Totalization disability benefits and a prior disability folder (title II or title XVI) exists, association of medical evidence from the prior folder with the current claim will depend on whether the applicant is filing for foreign benefits only or for U.S. benefits (either alone or concurrently with a claim for foreign benefits).
B. Procedure
Associate a prior title II folder or photocopies of medical evidence from a prior title XVI folder where the applicant is filing for U.S. Totalization disability benefits and;
the number holder (NH) has at least 6 quarters of coverage (QCs), and
the prior folder is in the servicing field office (FO) or another FO.
Do not associate a prior title II folder or photocopies of medical evidence from a prior title XVI folder if the NH has fewer than 6 QCs, the folder is not in an FO, or the applicant is filing for foreign benefits only.
C. Reference
Requesting a prior title II folder or copies of evidence from a prior title XVI folder located in another FO, DI 20505.005C.