GN 00307: Foreign Evidence
TN 31 (08-05)
A. Kinds of Civil Documents
The following are some of the civil documents available and general information on them.
1. Ottoman Empire Certificates
These can be submitted by persons who resided in what was part of the Ottoman Empire (southeastern Europe, southwestern Asia and northeastern Africa).
2. Nufus Kayit Ornegi (Census Registration)
This is the basic official certification form and can be proof of age, relationship, marriage, divorce and death. It can contain information about one person or a man and his immediate family. There are specific columns for each person's name, parents, date and place of birth, religion and the date he was entered in the record. The relationship of the family members to the head of the household is shown if requested.
If an individual's record is transferred to another locality (as when a woman marries), the information on the original census record is transferred. Thus, a married woman's record may show a recordation date before the marriage date, or the transfer date may also be shown as the registration date. If the original registration date is not shown and is needed, the nufus official at the place of original residence should be contacted for the original registration date.
3. Nufus Cuzdan Sureti (Copy of Census File)
This is a census form usually issued only for one person and showing only a date of birth.
4. Identification Paper or Card
The Nufus Cuzdan, Nufus Huviyet Cuzdani or Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Nufus Cuzdani is an identification document carried by all Turkish citizens. No recordation date is shown. Older identification papers were issued in booklet form and showed more personal information; a laminated pocket-size form is now used. Either version shows the person's name, date and place of birth and parents' names.
If a claimant has one of these documents, a Nufus Kayit Ornegiis available.
5. Evlenme Cuzdani (Marriage Booklet)
This is issued by the Marriage Director of the Marriage Office of the Municipality, usually on or near the day of the marriage. If the original booklet is lost, the Director issues a new one based on information in the official marriage register made at the time the first booklet was issued.
The booklet contains photographs of the couple and identifying information. It contains several pages for the parents to use to record information about children.
6. Olum Kagitti (Death Certificate)
This is issued by the census office.
7. Muhtar's Certification
A statement for a muhtar (village headman) is usually of very little value.
B. Policy
1. General
Certifications from nufus records must show the date of recordation to be considered proof of age or relationship. They must bear the seal and stamp of a nufus official.
SSA does not accept any records from Hozat unless the Federal Benefits Unit (FBU) or Foreign Service Post (FSP) has verified them with the custodian of the source records.
Although an individual's records are sealed if he has lost his Turkish citizenship, information from these records can be obtained through a Turkish Embassy or Consulate, with authorization from the Regional Federal Benefits Officer (RFBO). SSA treats information from this source as a Nufus Kayit Ornegi.
2. Ottoman Empire Certificates
SSA accepts these at face value.
3. Identification Paper or Card
This is acceptable for identification but not sufficient proof of age, marriage or relationship.
4. Evenme Cuzdani
The pages in this booklet which are for the parents' use in recording information about children are not acceptable evidence of the age and relationship of children.
5. Muhtar's Certification
This is not acceptable evidence of a factor of entitlement unless it has the counter-signature and seal of a census official.