POMS Reference

This change was made on Apr 4, 2018. See latest version.
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DI 52165.025: Old Interactive Computations Facility (ICF) Function 9 (WC Lump Sum Proration) and Function 28 (WC/PDB)

  • Effective Dates: 03/28/2014 - Present
  • Effective Dates: 04/04/2018 - Present
  • BASIC (09-08)
  • DI 52165.025 Old Interactive Computations Facility (ICF) Function 9 (WC Lump Sum Proration) and Function 28 (WC/PDB)
  • ICF functions #31, #32, and #34 replaced ICF #9 and #28. In some cases, ICF #9 and #28 may be used to perform WC/PDB calculations. Use both programs with caution. There are limitations that will compute incorrect calculations. Before using #9 and #28, review the limitations on the Interactive Computations Facility (ICF) Resource Page for WC/PDB Offset Computations. http://kcnet.kc.ssa.gov/mamwc/OldICF.htm#9_ProgLim
  • ICF functions #31, #32, and #34 replaced ICF #9 and #28. In some cases, ICF #9 and #28 may be used to perform WC/PDB calculations. Use both programs with caution. There are limitations that will compute incorrect calculations. Before using #9 and #28, review the limitations on the Interactive Computations Facility (ICF) Resource Page for WC/PDB Offset Computations – Click here.
  • NOTE: The last systems update to ICF #9 and #28 was prior to the 09/2001 release of ICF functions #31, #32, and #34.
  • A. ICF #9 (Workers’ Comp Lump Sum Proration)
  • ICF #9 calculates a lump sum proration with or without expenses. If there are expenses, #9 will calculate the proration using method A, B, and C. For ICF #28 program limitations, see http://kcnet.kc.ssa.gov/mamwc/OldICF.htm
  • ICF #9 calculates a lump sum proration with or without expenses. If there are expenses, #9 will calculate the proration using method A, B, and C. For ICF #28 program limitations, click here.
  • B. ICF #28 (WC/PDB)
  • If you are not experienced using this program, refer to DI 52170.001 - Manual Computations for Workers’ Compensation/Public Disability Benefit (WC/PDB) Offset to manually calculate the offset.
  • ICF #28 is less user-friendly than the newer offset computation functions. ICF #28 may be used to calculate the average current earnings (ACE) and the amount of offset and a triennial redetermination. However, ICF #28 will not correctly compute a rate change after a redetermination. For ICF #28 program limitations, see http://kcnet.kc.ssa.gov/mamwc/OldICF.htm
  • ICF #28 is less user-friendly than the newer offset computation functions. ICF #28 may be used to calculate the average current earnings (ACE) and the amount of offset and a triennial redetermination. However, ICF #28 will not correctly compute a rate change after a redetermination. For ICF #28 program limitations, click here.