POMS Reference

DI 44005: Processing Joint Freeze Cases in the Great Lakes Program Service Center-Disability Processing Branch (GLPSC-DPB)

BASIC (06-10)

After you finish processing the SSA-831, follow these steps for dispatching the case to the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB).

  1. Prepare a GLPSC-38 (Joint Freeze Transmittal)

    • Enter the Social Security Number.

    • Mark checkboxes as appropriate to indicate “agreement”, “disagreement”, area of disagreement, etc.

    • Include any necessary remarks or medical development requests, citing Program Operations Manual System (POMS) references as needed.

    • Sign and date the form.

    • Staple the form to the freeze folder. Do not staple through or write on RRB’s bar code.

  2. File the original SSA-831 in the freeze folder.

  3. Paperclip the “Data” and “Folder” copies on top of the freeze folder, and dispatch the folder to RRB.

    The Great Lakes Program Service Center-Disability Processing Branch (GLPSC-DPB) control clerks will separate the copies of the SSA-831 upon dispatch, and deliver the “Folder” copies to the Central Intake Area for scanning into the paperless processing system, as non-actionable documents.

    Forward the data copy to the Wilkes-Barre DOC:

    Wilkes-Barre Direct Operations Center
    P O Box 8300
    Wilkes-Barre PA 18767-8300
  4. RRB will release the freeze allowance or denial notice for the joint freeze determinations.

    • Joint Freeze allowance - SSA-L810

    • Joint Freeze denial - SSA-L813.1