POMS Reference

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DI 24503.020: Evaluating Evidence from Nonmedical Sources

  • Effective Dates: 03/24/2017 - Present
  • Effective Dates: 03/15/2018 - Present
  • BASIC (03-17)
  • DI 24503.020 Evaluating Evidence from Nonmedical Sources
  • A. Definition of evidence from a nonmedical source
  • Evidence from a nonmedical source includes information or statement(s) from a nonmedical source (including the claimant) about any issue in a claim. We may receive evidence from a nonmedical source either directly from a nonmedical source or indirectly, such as from forms and our administrative records.
  • B. Sources of evidence from a nonmedical source
  • Any person who is not a medical source can submit evidence we categorize as evidence from a nonmedical source. This includes the claimant, educational personnel, public and private social welfare agency personnel, family members, caregivers, friends, neighbors, employers, and clergy. Nonmedical sources also include governmental agencies, other nongovernmental entities, and us.
  • NOTE: If a person who is a medical source provides evidence in his or her capacity as a friend or family member, evaluate that evidence as if from a nonmedical source.
  • C. How we evaluate evidence from nonmedical sources
  • Do not consider evidence from nonmedical sources when establishing a medically determinable impairment (MDI). However, once an MDI is established, consider evidence from nonmedical sources for all other findings in a claim, as appropriate.
  • D. Articulation requirements for evidence from nonmedical sources
  • 1. General policy
  • Do not include the consideration of evidence from nonmedical sources in the analysis about establishing an MDI. When evidence from nonmedical sources is material to other analyses or conclusions in a claim, articulate that in the determination.
  • EXAMPLE: In a child disability claim, it may be appropriate to discuss how you considered functional evidence from nonmedical sources, such as testimony, evaluations, and reports from parents, teachers, special education coordinators, counselors, early intervention team members, developmental center workers, day care center workers, social workers, and public and private social welfare agency personnel. For more information, see DI 25225.005 How We Will Consider Your Functioning (Section 416.926a(b)).
  • EXAMPLE: In a title xvi child disability claim, it may be appropriate to discuss how you considered functional evidence from nonmedical sources, such as testimony, evaluations, and reports from parents, teachers, special education coordinators, counselors, early intervention team members, developmental center workers, day care center workers, social workers, and public and private social welfare agency personnel. For more information, see DI 25225.005 How We Will Consider Your Functioning (Section 416.926a(b)).
  • 2. Claims filed before March 27, 2017
  • See the instructions in DI 24503.035 Evaluation and Articulation Requirements for Medical Opinions, Opinions, and Prior Administrative Medical Findings - Claims Filed before March 27, 2017.
  • 3. Claims filed on or after March 27, 2017
  • Do not provide written analysis about how you considered statements on issues reserved to the Commissioner and about decisions from other governmental agencies and nongovernmental entities. For more information, see:
  • * DI 24503.040 Evaluating a Statement on an Issue Reserved to the Commissioner, and
  • * DI 24503.045 Evaluating Decisions by Other Governmental Agencies and Nongovernmental Entities